Sunday, August 21, 2022

Fair: It's a Wrap


An afternoon cloud burst and an overnight rain have washed away most of the dust but not the good and precious memories of the 2022 Bonner County Fair.

My only regret is that I left too soon yesterday, hoping to reclaim my yard and garden after six days on the run. 

I learned later, through bits and pieces, that a rather remarkable and extremely generous event occurred during the sale of fat steers. 

One steer, owned by 4-H'er Riley Albertson, who has been undergoing treatments for leukemia for the past several months, sold for $35 a pound to Wood's Hay and Grain and family.

  Adding to the amazing story were others in the audience who donated to Riley's ongoing treatments and expenses by giving $1,000 each. 

I don't know the grand total, but from what I've heard, it was a grand and glorious and generous and tear-filled scene at the annual auction.  

A wonderful commentary on the generosity and genuine caring that goes on every day in our community. 

During my six days of snapping pictures, I was privy to so many vignettes of family pride and teamwork, good sportsmanship and general passion for the individual endeavors that make the fair one of the most special annual events in our community. 

For those who may have concerns about our youth ad the future, I have witnessed endless wonderful examples amazing, talented young people who are motivated, polite, friendly, firmly grounded and definitely aimed in the right direction.  

This happens because of wise parental guidance and thanks to exemplary and dedicated 4-H leadership.

The fair for this year has ended, but the traditions associated with all of the above will continue through the next generations, and that is a good thought. 

Happy Sunday and thanks to all who were so generous of their time and friendship during my fairgounds travels throughout the week. 

Much appreciated. 

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