Saturday, June 22, 2024

Saturday Slight

I love classic red barns, especially because we had one once (pictured below). 

It still stands on the old farm on Great Northern Road, but it has deteriorated over the past several years. 

In our 30 years there, we restored the barn, giving it a new paint job and replacing the roof. 

The Ponderay Garden Center folks have done a beautiful job sprucing up the barn they use as their headquarters on HWY 95. 

Of course, I couldn't resist taking a photo. 

I often wish that if I could win the lottery, I'd buy our old barn and move it out here to Selle where it would once again be appreciated for its beauty and history.

For our anniversary, my sister-in-law, Bill's twin Margaret, gave us a gift certificate to the Ponderay Garden Center, so I stopped and did a little looking around.  

It's always fun to tour the grounds at the garden center, especially that gorgeous barn.

Our barn and our beloved Kiwi. 

Not much to report on this lovely Saturday morning. 

My brother Mike did post on Facebook that he and Mary had just visited the Sistine Chapel in Rome. 

They've already seen a lot on their tour, including The Netherlands, Germany, Lichtenstein and now Rome. 

I also heard this morning from a teaching friend who's visiting and loving the Balkans.  

The athletic director at Sandpoint High is posting pictures of Greece. 

Nothing better or more enriching than travel to expand the mind and to see history in person. 

We're looking forward to a new experience this fall after Annie completes her 500-mile Camino de Santiago walk across Spain from France.  

She'll show us around Spain and Portugal, and then we'll go on to visit our usual stops in Ireland, which will, this time, include a once-in-a-lifetime ocean fishing experience off from Ireland's west coast. 

Lots to look forward to.  

For now, I'll pass the time by concentrating on tomatoes, beans and garden goodies.  

On another note, our cute little Western flycatchers are spending more time making their presence known.  

This one flitted from spot to spot, chirping while I watered the deck flowers yesterday. 

Bill is headed to Bonners Ferry today to work with other Trout Unlimited volunteers in a fly fishing program for kids. 

Willie is spending his summer days doing a lot of traveling with his basketball players for summer clinics and games.  This weekend he's in Missoula. 

Annie's geocaching in Pennsylvania. 

Someone has to stay home with the dogs and horses and enjoy a laid-back summer day on the Lovestead. 

I guess I've drawn that slot don't mind one bit. 

It's a beautiful day to hang out around home. 

Happy Saturday. 

We love our Border Collies, but I don't know if we'd have the stamina to have 13.  

Neat story in the .

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