Sunday, June 23, 2024

Lovely Sunday


I'll try to describe the feeling.  

There's a little bliss, a touch of tranquility, a total lack of urgency and a definite sense of awe. 

The blend brings me total enjoyment of a sunny summer Sunday morning. 

And, we've been dealt a beauty on this June 23. 

We wait all year for mornings like this. 

In my case, I've been outside three times, once for the dogs, then to take the horses to pasture and finally to get the paper. 

I did put an extra shirt on, but it wasn't really needed, thanks to the warmth of the morning. 

While headed to the paperbox, I took my time, admiring the yard and flowers. As I crossed the road, my attention was directed toward Taylor's cows grazing in tall grass and then taking time to look back at me. 

The moment took me back to a Sunday morning almost 18 years ago when I awakened for the first time as a resident of Selle. 

Bulls were bellering, the sun was shining, birds were singing and, thanks to a gentle morning breeze, the feeling of "country" wafted through the air. 

No bulls talking this morning, but the rest was very reminiscent of that first morning in our new home. 

Eighteen years later, mornings like this still inspire a sense of gratitude for "getting" to live in this rural area. 

It seemed like more cars came down the road during this morning's paper run than what I remember back then. 

I would not only grab the paper but also would take time to stroll down the dirt road happily enjoying the quiet and natural beauty of the country. 

These days I don't take as many of those long walks, but my senses still embrace the ever awesome rewards of nature seen, heard, felt, etc. 

Plus, my gratitude for this blessed lifestyle remains steadfast.  

Looking forward to many similar Sunday mornings to come. 

Enjoy the photos, taken on a leisurely and enjoyable Saturday, mostly spent here at home. 

I told Bill last night, as we drove home from hamburger dinner at my sisters', that this field of Todd and Jody Russell's has produced probably the most impressive hay harvest I have ever seen. 

The deer thought it looked great too. 

Hay harvest has begun here in Selle, so the swathers and rakes and balers and loaders that do the work have begun rolling past our home. 

It's called a Princess Diana clemantis.  

The plant along with the solar-powered globe below came home yesterday from Ponderay Garden Center, thanks to a generous gift certificate from Bill's sister Margaret. 

Thanks so much, Margaret for more beauty here at the Lovestead. 

Now, we just have to stay up late enough to see the full magnificence of the globe.  

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