Friday, July 19, 2024

All In; All Done; Yay, Hay!


Talk about neighborhood grown!

The hay came from the neighborhood. 

The crew came from the neighborhood.

Even the hamburgers came from the neighborhood and the sandwiches were prepared in the neighborhood. 

Leonard Wood brought us our five tons of hay yesterday afternoon. 

Right after Leonard pulled in with the bale loader, three motorcycle riders drove in behind him.  That made up three quarters of the hay crew. 

All were named Wood.  

Two (twins) were grandsons of Leonard's brother Brian and sons of Scot and Tami Wood. 

One was Leonard's grandson.  A little later, another of his grandsons, Colter, came from a day of working in the woods and made up the rest of the crew. 

It took a little over an hour for this relatively young crew to put the bales in the barn.  And, that included bringing the bale elevator to the barn from the far shed and then back again. 

Leonard gave the boys some tips about using an elevator and went on his way. 

When Leonard left, I headed to Selle Valley Creamery where hamburgers and fries and drinks were available during their Thursday night hamburger night. 

While waiting for my order, I visited with our neighbors across the road.  Mary Taylor and her daughter Elizabeth were also picking up dinner for their hay crew. 

And, the burgers?  

Of course, Woods burgers coming from Wood's Meats, which is also in the neighborhood. 

Our former hay hand Levi came by with some cold treats for the crew and we enjoyed a nice visit with him before he went off to be in a senior picture with his girlfriend. 

When the hay stacking was finished, the crew came to the deck where we all had hamburgers and shared stories.  

Three of the boys are on Sandpoint High's wrestling team and Logan, the youngest, plays baseball. 

Bill and Colter also talked about the logging operation on his folks and his grandfather's land.  Colter is learning the ropes of logging. 

And, so, the locals did a lot for us yesterday.  

The hay, except for a few broken bales, is in the barn.  My horses will eat off the pile of loose hay for a day or two. 

It was a quick, productive and fun couple of hours with these young men as another year's supply of hay went into the barn.  

Plus, it was great fun getting to know all those cousins that much better. 

Fine young men.  

Many thanks to Naomi and Leonard for making the arrangements and to all parents involved who have such great kids. 

Happy Friday. 

Below:  Lovestead Hay Crew 2024:  Zak, Colter, Tyler and Logan, all members of the extended Wood family.  

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