Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Holiday Prepping


The photo above was taken just after I mowed the west lawn yesterday and before the afternoon rain leading to thunder and lightning began.  

Mother Nature put on her own impressive Independence Day show last night, and it lasted a long time.

As a result, for the third straight day I don't have to drag hoses around to water the gardens and flowers.

No complaints.  

In spite of the weather, we're getting excited about our version of celebrating the holiday ahead. 

I spent last night peeling and cutting up potatoes and eggs for tomorrow's potato salad and will finish adding the rest of the ingredients tomorrow. 

Debbie texted yesterday that she was at the store picking up fresh strawberries and pound cake to go with the ice cream I have in the freezer.

Today Bill, Willie and Andrew will go fishing on the Coeur d'Alene River. 

Andrew, Alicia and their daughter Emma have joined us for Fourth of July week activities for a number of years. 

So, today has a festive feel to it with fishing trips and with preparation, especially because of today's lovely morning sunshine.

There's a lot of heavy and ugly stuff going on in our nation right now that's not so sunny or lovely. 

 In fact, it's difficult to get excited about the meaning behind the Fourth of July holiday with what's happening politically. 

Still, we have to cling to the joy that constantly comes our way on a smaller scale because of the wonderful and good people who still do wonderful things for others. 

That's what I'll celebrate this year. 

I saw a simply stated bumper sticker yesterday while driving home from town. 


Be both.

If we follow that principle, we can consider ourselves true patriots to the American beliefs, and we can celebrate. 

Happy Wednesday. 

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