Saturday, July 27, 2024

Saturday Slight


Such a week!  

The week has ended but not the activity. 

It's as if life is moving along on a continuous conveyor belt during these summer days. 

No stops.  

Just take a breath and move on to the next thing. 

In fact, I'm experiencing tinges of sensory, emotional and activity overload.  

All good, though. 

No wonder we get so bored in the winter.  

Life is just like climate change.  

We experience many extremes, ranging from racing to the next item on the agenda to dreaming up mundane stuff to fill up empty hours of relative hibernation.  

Today will be somewhat relaxing because I flew around on the lawnmower yesterday and did the entire lawn. 

House work will be minimal our five guests are staying in the travel trailer.  Food for five hungry mouths and whoever else is around has been purchased. 

That said, I can go at a leisurely pace today with the watering and the picking. 

BTW:  my picking chores have come to an almost abrupt halt, thanks to a four-legged visitor which has come in the night and robbed my blueberry bushes, leaving some on the lower limbs and a few yet to ripen. 

It's been years since deer have eaten my blueberries, but, as we know with deer, every year brings on a new desire for their palates.  Forget those deck flowers and potato tops and pumpkins.  

Blueberries are apparently IN this year, and many of mine have gone inside Bambi's gut. 

Bill thought the culprit might be our new resident peacock.  She's spending more and more time around the house.  

While she eats from the feeders, her triplets feed off the sunflower seed on the ground. 

I was almost ready to invite her inside yesterday when she stood proud as a peacock outside the sliding-glass door, but she's apparently not feeling like we've bonded---just yet anyway. 

She is NOT guilty of eating the blueberries.  

A healthy pile of fresh deer poop next to one of the bushes solved the mystery.   

With the Lovestead pretty much ready for an invasion of lovely young ladies, Bill and I are really excited. 

We've done this kind of hosting for years and have always felt enriched by our visitors. 

Sometimes they've been family (like two of this group), sometimes old friends and sometimes cross-country bikers and even a group of round-the-world bikers back in 1975 when we lived in a tiny house on a hill at the Upper Tibbs place on Great Northern Road. 

That group of nine cyclists stayed in the garage, and Bill and I reaped the benefits of learning about how they prepared for their upcoming adventure as well as their personal life stories. One of that group and I still exchange Christmas cards.  

From what we've seen in photos this weekend's visitors have sent, these gals are having the time of their lives, hanging around the Seattle area most recently.  So, we're anxiouis to hear their stories. 

Today we'll putz around the place, maybe watch some Olympics and then get ready to pack in as much local color and as many activities as possible during their stay. 

Happy Saturday. 

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