Sunday, July 28, 2024

Population Explosion


Elizabeth (Lizzie), Signe (both family members) , Jenna, Tayden and Kayla. 

The Lovestead population increased significantly last night when these lovely young ladies came into the driveway. 

We had affordable housing (the travel trailer and a tent) ready and waiting for them AND food. 

Plus, they had fun stories to share about their cross-country road trip from the Chicago area and about their current lives.

All are college students (Signe took a gap year and traveled in Europe but will start classes next month in North Carolina).  Four of them have strong Ireland connections, including schooling. 

All are bright, vibrant, engaging and filled with curiosity about the world. 

They're all friends from childhood. 

I was especially pleased, as a lifelong journalist, to learn that Cousin Lizzie attended high school in Oak Park, IL., where she worked on the same high school newspaper as Ernest Hemingway. 

She is minoring in journalism at Georgetown and working this summer for her local newspaper in Oak Park. 

Always love to see aspiring journalists.  

These young ladies have only been here for a few hours, but Bill and I are already impressed and looking forward to getting to know them better during their stay in Sandpoint. Plus, we'll do our best to show them a good time. 

I thought that since Paris and the Olympics are on our minds these days, it would be fun to include a quote from Hemingway. 

“I would stand and look out over the roofs of Paris and think, ‘Do not worry. You have always written before and you will write now.

 All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.’ 

So finally I would write one true sentence, and then go on from there. 

It was easy then because there was always one true sentence that I knew or had seen or had heard someone say.”
                                                    --Ernest Hemingway

Here's one true sentence:  it's Sunday, and we have company so it's time to say good bye. 

Happy Sunday. 

Bill pitched a tent, but our five visitors found a way for all of them to spend the night in the travel trailer.  

Annie thought that I needed to see a cow in Wauseon, Ohio. She's there this weekend participating in a geocaching event. 

My second sunflower has popped open, and it was simply stunning yesterday. 

Maybe by week's end, a whole row of them will be adding more color to the garden. 

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