Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Heat Goes On


Bean blossoms from the garden

We're getting a very subtle break from the heat today, but it's predicted to continue on for at least all of next week. 

Good growing weather. 

Nice picking weather. 

Perfect haying weather, 'cept for the hard-working hay hands. 

Not great for a lot of other activities which we like to do in the summer. 

For example, I'll be announcing a horse show all weekend long, and, oh, how nice it would be to do so in the 80s. 

That's not gonna happen.

 So, I'll take an ice chest, lots of water and even some towels to douse first in the cold water and then on myself. 

This is the first time I've announced a horse show in 11 years so I'm hoping the voice and the brain and the body all cooperate. 

For anyone who loves horses, the Spots of Fun Open Horse Show will be running both Saturday and Sunday at the Bonner County fairgrounds. 

English and halter and trail classes, are scheduled for Saturday, while primarily Western and showmanship and trail classes will be featured Sunday.

This is the belt buckle honoring our dad Harold Tibbs' memory. 

Both days classes begin at 8 a.m. and run through late afternoon. 

 Juniper Jane's Traveling Cafe will be supplying the eats, including some cool homemade refreshers and her popular non-glutin chocolate chip cookies.  I had one of those a few weeks ago and can say with confidence that they are about the best cookie I've ever eaten.  

This horse show has been happening every July for decades, and the organizers (Leen family members) do their best to have it live up to its name "fun." 

So, check it out if you're looking for something to do this weekend. 

In other news, last night before watching the USA-Canada Olympic exhibition basketball game, we took our evening escape drive around the Gold Creek-Rapid Lightning Creek loop. 

I saw a friend and former student out happily watering her garden.  Plus, the popular Pack River swimming hole on Colburn Culver was a busy place. 

It was a beautiful drive, seeing hay in fields at various stages of harvest.  I noticed that the Albertson family had a particularly abundant harvest in one of their fields.

We also saw a few deer and enjoyed the evening bucolic beauty of both Pack River and Rapid Lightning Creek. 

The best part:  we stayed cool on the hottest of evenings during this heat wave.  

On the subject of our "beat the heat" evening drives, I forgot to post this new place which we saw on our Schweitzer drive Tuesday. 

It's located on Woodland Drive right next to the parking lot for the Mickinnick Trail. 

I don't know much about it, except that it will open soon.  Maybe some readers can tell us more. 

Looks like a fun addition to the old neighborhood. 

Guess that's enough babble for this morning.  

I don't want my brain to overheat so will wish you a Happy Thursday. 

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