Monday, July 15, 2024

Weekend Wrap


A costume class showmanship exhibitor.  She won the class. 

Another Spots of Fun Horse Show is in the books.   I firmly believe that perennial organizer, the late Moreen Leen, is smiling from above knowing that her daughter Moriha has kept her beloved show going in fine style. 

We finished up around 3 p.m. yesterday, and I think there was enough "fun" to go around among exhibitors, show staff and spectators throughout the weekend. 

As I told Moriha, I felt quite apprehensive about taking on the announcing job after a ten-year break. Happily, it turned into a natural situation, which after working out a few kinks, went just fine. 

I love the announcing but especially love working with the horse show staff.  A fun and efficient bunch.  As always, the event sealed some new friendships, which always makes me happy. 

Now, it's back to the real world of caring for yard, garden and four-legged beloveds. 

Above: Judge Laura Bakker recording her placings with ring steward Brittany Davault. 

Above:  The horse show included several raffles.  My sidekick for the weekend Ashley won a basket of her own goodies. 

I learned later that Texas, her Border Collie, has a new big ball, thanks to Weston (right) who also won a basket.  

Above:  While hubby and Grandma watched their infant son, Miranda Dodge participated with her horse Peter in the show.  

In this photo she's having a discussion with Tina Tomonelli, horse show secretary and amazing human extraordinaire. 

Above: this year's Spots of Fun Horse Show judge, Laura Bakker,  drove over from Missoula to judge the classes. 

She's an accomplished horse woman who has judged, trained, taught and shown, among other horse activities, including Miss Rodeo state and national events. 

It was fun to get acquainted with Laura.  She beat the heat and kept the classes running so that we did not have to endure the hottest hours of the day. 

I think the exhibitors were generally quite pleased with her judging. 

Above:  Emily Otis in a showmanship class. 

Below:  my sister Barbara Tibbs participating in ranch riding. 

Above: this year's show featured costume showmanship.  It was quite colorful, to say the least. 

Below:  Texas, the Border Collie taking a break from his ball. 

CB and Lefty were feeling their oats this morning before heading to pasture.  

A lot of growing happened around the Lovestead this weekend. 

Twas helped along by hubby Bill doing the watering. 

Lots of blueberries to pick, a bunch of fresh broccoli to cook for dinner and some scraggly lawn to mow. 

It's gonna be a busy Monday catching up, but it will be fun as I mull over the memories of a great weekend at the horse show. 

Happy Monday. 

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