Friday, August 23, 2024

Max's Corner, Canadian Anglers, Etc.


This morning I'm going to take a page from the Kelly Clarkston playbook. 

On her talk show, which I like because of its continued upbeat nature, she features a segment of "What I'm Liking."  

Usually, the Kelly stamp of approval comes from unique and positive items she has seen while surfing the Internet. 

So, Kelly, I hope you don't mind if I talk about a couple of "What I'm Liking's." 

First, I want to give a HUGE shout-out to my friend Max Oswald, our Daily Bee sports editor. 

He has put together a "fall sports" supplement for the paper which is beyond impressive. 

As a publications person, I know the planning, the hours, the work and the occasional frustrations that go with producing such a product. 

It always looks a lot easier than it is, and, that's especially true when it's such a topnotch piece of work. 

Max, you've outdone yourself on this supplement, and I'm sure the community will appreciate you for it. The Sandpoint community is lucky to have you covering local sports. 

Good job, friend. 

If you don't have a subscription to the Daily Bee and follow local sports, pick up a copy of today's paper.


The second "What I'm liking" concerns last night's Democratic convention. 

Comma La

I've spent a lifetime having my name mispronounced or misspoken---everything from Marilyn to Marian, to Mary to Miriam, etc. 

I won't even go into all the spellings I've seen over the years, but, trust me, when people pronounce my name correctly or, even better, spell it right, I'm thrilled. 

Happily, I've never had anyone purposely mispronounce my name to denigrate me, like some do with Kamala Harris. 

Unlike "Joe" or "George," it's is a rather uncommon name for some, but, by golly, she's been in the public spotlight for several years now so it's time to say it correctly. 

Anyway, what I really liked at last night's convention was seeing her nieces get up on the stage and give clues on how to say her name correctly. 

Being an English teacher, I liked the punctuation aspect. And, I like music too. So, it was neat to know that if I don't want to screw up on saying her name that all I have to remember is:

Comma La!

Thanks, little ladies, for that simple reminder. 

I like it.  

The two Williams (Will Yams) had a great time on the river in Canada yesterday. 

Bill said the guide was a knowledgeable young man from a ranch in Alberta.  

"You and Barbara and Laurie would have liked him," he said, noting that the guy likes horses and his father is a farrier. 

Apparently fishing was a little slow in the morning, but it picked up in the afternoon with them both landing some lunkers. 

From the looks of the picture, they had an adequate lunch, which was included in the package. 

I think the two Williams were feeling like they were in Canadian Heaven. 

Meanwhile in Spain, Annie has completed her fifth day of walking AND she has seen a Border Collie at play in a river. 

She also wanted Bill and Willie to know that there are some big fish in a river featured in a video she sent us. 

Maybe Spain next, guys.  You have Ireland and Canada under your vests.  

Here's Annie's link for today's adventure. 

Besides taking care of some items at home, I had to finish the process of trading in my old phone for a new one.  The clerk had told me to take the old phone home with me to make sure there were no problems with passwords. 

There weren't, but there were admonishments from the new phone that I should change some of my passwords.  

Don't they know that they're dealing with a 77-year-old woman who blows a gasket every time she has to try to remember the password she used five years ago when she signed up for said site. 

I'm choosing to remain stubborn about password warnings. 

Anyway, when I went to the AT and T, they were closed for an hour while the clerk was given a lunch break.  Apparently, they're a bit short-handed. 

So, I drove out toward Hope and spent some time at the new boating launch which resulted from the Fish and Game work in the Pack River flats. 

It's a nice launch with plenty of room and some great  views. 


It's another Friday already.  I can't believe how fast these weeks are flying by AND how fast the past hour  gotten away from me. 

So, I'll shut up and wish everyone a great day. 

Happy Friday. 

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