Thursday, August 22, 2024

Thursday This, That; TBT


These leaves are telling us something. 

Fall is now less than a month away. 

A cool, brisk wind this morning was adding to the story. 

Still, a few pansies here and there around the place are doing their best to put on a late summer show. 

I looked at the weather predictions on my phone this morning and saw a lot of 70s for highs and even a couple of 60s, but several days from now we'll push back into the 80s. 

I guess the heat ain't over 'til it's over, but it's nice to have a break. 

In other news, Bill left the house at oh-dark-thirty this morning with his passport around his neck. 

He also took his fishing gear. 

Today he is treating Willie and himself, of course, to a guided fishing trip in Canada. 

They had to be somewhere around Cranbrook, BC by 8 or so this morning, so it was an early start to their day. 

This will be something special for both of them.  All he said was that it was "expensive."  I didn't pry cuz I have horses, and I know that word well. 

It will be a great grand finale for Willie and his summer vacation.  Teachers start back to work next week. 

Plus, it will be a lasting memory for Willie and his dad. 

So, today I'm tending to stuff around the house which is much easier when the house and my schedule are relatively empty. 

I went to physical therapy yesterday.  Becca says it's looking like I'll need just a couple more sessions. 

She is equipping me with some great exercises for keeping my leg muscles in shape.  And, happily, I'm feeling less and less pain in my left knee. 

It's there but it's much less intense, and the times when I do feel it are getting shorter all the time.

Maybe by the time we head off to Europe, I will have forgotten that four-letter word:  pain.   

This fence is sadly in need of repair.  It's been functioning since before we moved here 18 years ago so it deserves a fix.  Even in disrepair, its rustic quality is neat. 

As we get older and more rustic, so does the place. 

Off in Spain, Annie has completed Day Four of her Camino. 

Check out her story and photos. 

Thursday Throwbacks . . . .again, random picks from my photo library, all reflecting scenes, memories, happenings or neat peeps I encounter in my daily travels. Enjoy. 

The people in the above photo and the picture below work hard for Idahoans as both volunteers and visionaries. 

As noted at last evening's Democratic convention, there are millions of selfless souls everywhere across America giving of their time to benefit others. 

A noble mission, indeed. 

Luke Mayville, a Sandpoint High grad and co-founder of Reclaim Idaho, has become one of Idaho's heroes, and we are proud of him. 

He's an "outlaw" from the Thompson family and I swear the two gals below (seen at a class reunion a while back) look like sisters, almost like twins. 

A family trip to Burnt Ranch, Calif., where Mother spent part of her childhood. 

Jack from up the road and Everett from Priest River. 

It's Democratic convention time in Chicago.  

A few years ago in August we visited the beautiful and windy city, home of my roots, for a family wake. 

Seen along Upper Pack River Road and, below, at a bull sale. 

Easter at the Lovestead with Tammy, Debbie and Emma from Germany.  

Below:  Swiss Miss at the Idaho border. 

Mary, a former student and state brand inspector. 

Below:  Levi, one of mine and everyone else's  favorites. 

He's graduating from high school this year. 

Where does time go?

Below:  Siri being shown at a judging clinic, and the last photo:  just a good reminder. 

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