Thursday, August 01, 2024

August Hath Come; TBT


My raspberries this year have not been plentiful, but they've been steady at showing up and ripening on the vine.  

Plus, they're big. 

All together, I've picked about three baggies of berries. 

When our guests were here, one baggie, blended with a few blueberries, served as a topping for a lemon cake---with Cool Whip, of course. 

The berries are still coming on, and, slowly but surely it will seem like a good year for raspberries.

If my garden goodies could only be as prolific as this irritating weed, I'd be thrilled. 

The weed showed up in my second pasture two years ago in mid-summer.  It was just a small plot then but noticeable.  I'd never seen this weed before. 

This year it has spread like wildfire, even to my barnyard. 

The weed is called "Mare's Tail," and, according to weed control specialist Chase Youngdahl, it's native to North America and becoming more of a problem in the Northwest.  

"There are herbicide control issues," Chase explained, "so control beyond one year is currently a challenge."

Compounding the issue is that the weed shows up in July, long after the usual spring spraying time. 

Chase says he's working with some test plots and may have more information on controlling the weed in the coming months. 

I hope so because I don't even want to think about how much it will spread next year.

This cool bike was parked at the building where I'm doing physical therapy.  It got me to thinking how much I'd like to ride a bike again. 

I'm feeling pretty hopeful after three sessions because the knee pain has diminished and doesn't seem to bug me as much as even three weeks ago. 

I guess things are healing, and Becca has been showing me a number of helpful exercises to strengthen my leg muscles. 

Fingers crossed that that the misery it has caused for three months will become a memory. 

So far, I'm enjoying a pretty laid-back morning and hoping to keep it that way throughout the day. 

So, just enjoy the photos. 

Happy Thursday. 

Thursday Throwbacks:  this and that from the library. 


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