Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Odds and Ends


When ya experience a fairly ordinary day with no big events, reporting on life turns into pretty much odds and ends.

Nothing wrong with that.  

The last few days have been ordinary, and I've enjoyed them. 

It's nice to slow down a bit and take more time to smell the flowers or maybe even pick the deadheads. 

Lots of deadheads on my petunias these days, and if I were to try to remove them all, that might take up half a day. 

So, I just pick a few here and there.

I should be cutting back my Virginia creeper.  It came to the Lovestead as a little start from my friend Gail's creeper up on North Center Valley Road. 

It hasn't looked back.  

Instead, each year it crawls a little further forward, making steady progress around the side of the barn.  

Sounds like a political statement I've been hearing lately. 

The only thing wrong with the creeper is that each fall I do have to cut it to pieces, gather it up and haul it off to the junk pile behind the barn. 

This summer it's putting on quite a display on the west side of the barn AND inside the barn. 

I took time a couple of days ago to study the snowberries which are making their presence known on bushes along the roadside. 

Lots of them:  does that mean anything in regard to snow?

I haven't seen any woolly worms yet.  It depends on whom you talk to in regard to how wide their band is and what that means about winter. 

Since I really don't like to think about winter, I'm glad no worms have appeared in my midst. 

Just watch!  Today I'll see one.  


This year I can't get enough of my oregano.  We have plenty around the place.  It's just that while walking by any given patch, there's a show going on. 

Bumble bees and honey bees and brown moths and orange moths are having a heyday with those millions of pink and purple blossoms. 

The patches are humming with all that activity, and the little critters don't seem to mind having my iphone following their intense action of flitting from blossom to blossom. 

I always wondered about having that much oregano around the place, but it does add late-summer color, and this year, especially, it's pretty entertaining and beautiful to watch.  

Annie reached Spain yesterday, and I'm sure she has arrived at her destination for today.  She said it would be much easier than the first day.

She's got a loooooooooooong ways to go.  

So, check out her blog and see what Day Two on the walk has revealed. 

Other news around the place:  Lily has a new fly mask. 

Two of hers are somewhere in the hay field, and with so much tall grass throughout the field, I decided not to look for them.

Both are past their prime, so to find them and put one on again would more than likely lead to another mask hunt.  

So, I just picked up a new one at Co-Op.  There's enough summer and surely enough flies left to make the purchase worth it. 


I saw a similar photo to the one below this morning and had to find a better copy to post. 

Had no idea that LL Bean had a boot car. 

I think there needs to be a national convention somewhere which would include the Idaho potato and the Oscar Meyer wiener car and others. 

Seems like it would be a fun attraction. 

Nothing else too extraordinary today, 'cept the sunflowers keep adding to their show in the garden. 

Happy Tuesday. 

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