Monday, August 19, 2024

A Walk in the Refuge


Bill, the dogs and I went for a walk in the Kootenai Wildlife Refuge yesterday afternoon. It's located northwest of Bonners Ferry. 

Instead of simply going for a drive, I asked that we head to the refuge so I could walk for a mile and see how my knee would respond to walking that far. 

There is shade on the first part of the road through the refuge, so that stretch seemed like a good idea. 

It was warm, though, and hungry bees were seemingly everywhere. 

I guess we've reached that time of the year where it's hard to escape the bees in any outside setting.  

While talking to a gentleman at the refuge headquarters, I suddenly realized that I was surrounded by bees. 

He told me that, while having dinner outside at a local restaurant the night before, it had become impossible for his group to eat their dinner because of the relentless bees.

The only escape seems to be to just keep moving, and even that is not always helpful. 

I had a couple of bees following me back to the headquarters after we turned around. 

We walked about 1.25 miles, and I'll admit to feeling some tenderness during the the second part of the walk. 

It wasn't bad, but a slight discomfort was still there, so I'll continue to be careful about putting too much stress on the knee. 

The nice part, though, is that it has improved enough for me to want to try longer walks. 

In spite of the bees, the refuge is as breath-taking as always.  It's a fun place to go pretty much any time of the year. 

On this trip ripe elderberries and currants and Oregon grape were adding to the abundant shades of green. 

When we arrived back at our pickup, we could see some families gathered in a beautiful picnic spot along Myrtle Creek. 

It made for a lovely Sunday afternoon scene. 

On the Adventure Annie front, she has completed her first day on the Camino, walking through the Pyrenees Mountains from France into Spain. 

If yesterday is an example, her blog post should appear by mid-morning. It all depends on when she gets to the next lodging place and, of course, on the available Wi-fi. 

I know she'll have some neat animal photos today. 

Check it out, and you can sign up to have her daily posts sent to you. 

 Happy Monday. 

Birthday Girl Bridie enjoyed her time at the Wildlife Refuge. 

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