Sunday, August 18, 2024

Feeling a Transition


Love, love, love the taste of fresh tomatoes, especially the sungold cherry 'maters. 

Many have ripened on the vine over the past few days. 

We've experienced some hints of fall this week.

Most notable have been the cooler than usual mornings, but we're also progressing into some different colors on our nature palette. 

My flowers are hanging on as best they can.  The hot weather completely did in a beautiful pot of yellow pansies, and the petunias are still putting out amazing colors, but their numbers of bright blossoms are dwindling. 

Another hint is more audible than visual:  reminders of football games.  In fact, the Seahawks played their first exhibition game yesterday afternoon, losing by one point. 

I told Bill it's not the same without Pete Carroll coaching the Seahawks. In my mind he was such a force and positive icon that fans don't just turn off the switch of thinking of the Seahawks and Pete Carroll.

  It will take time to get acquainted with the new staff and players.  I'm sure as the weather turns and we begin to turn inward for more hours each day, we'll come to terms with the new dimensions. 

Instead of watching the Seahawks, we ate hamburgers off the grill (all four of us, dogs included) and watched The Way with Martin Sheen. It seemed appropriate since Annie will begin her trek on "the way," beginning tomorrow. 

It also seemed like a good idea because next month we'll get to experience some of the Camino firsthand. 

As you'll probably see if you read her next blog entry, Annie's day at the starting point Saint Jean Pied de Port in Southwestern France at the foot of the Pyrenees Mountains has been eventful with community festival featuring both lively music and bright color.

She told me this morning that many of the scenes at the beginning of the movie were shot in the little town serving as a starting point for the Camino. 

In other news, our Bridie turned 3 today.  She gets an extra sausage for breakfast, and, of course, we'll spoil her all day. 

This little guy found resting place in one of the Virginia Creeper leaves next to the barn. 

Below:  all is well with CB.  He's in fine shape, and I haven't heard him cough since the last rainfall. 

The cough probably resulted from too much dust. 

As  you can see from this photo, fall colors are starting to dominate the landscape on the back roads and in the mountains. 

While making note of this, I can't believe how fast the summer has sped by.  The county fair is now over, college kids have or are heading off to school and soon the yellow buses will return to our road. 

I think the pure enjoyment of all the people and events has sped up the calendar, and there's no sign of slowing down for a while. 

I just wish some of these happenings could occur in a little slower motion. 

I love stopping to read these clever little editions to the stop signs in our rural neigborhoods. 

Nice to be out in the country and get some good reminders of what NOT to do. 

What would you tell people to STOP doing?

While pondering that thought, have a nice Sunday. 


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