Saturday, August 17, 2024

Saturday Slight

Bridie and I walked through the woods yesterday. 

I realized, while walking, that I don't do this enough. 

But there was time yesterday, and time for such home adventures has been limited of late. 

Bridie is a great pal for going on these little outings.  She sniffs and explores but also still sticks closeby. 

We are also pleased that when she does see a critter, she goes on alert but does not chase.

So, the walk in the woods was pleasant, especially seeing the tidiness that Bill follows while working on his woods projects. 

We are blessed with a beautiful woods, and, as I think of yesterday's walk with my pal, I'll make an effort to get out there more often.  

Sunflowers and horses. Always favorites in my mind. 

Yesterday my horses had their pedicures AND they needed them. 

Lily has a new set of front shoes while Lefty and CB's hooves provided a healthy amount of treats for the dogs to chew on.

The Lovestead is alive with big shrubs loaded with red and purple berries.  

The birds are happy, and the berries are pretty. 

Ireland, this morning. Always a beautiful sight. 
                            --Annie Love Photo


In other news, Annie has landed in an overcast Paris. She flew overnight to Dublin, had a brief layover and then caught her Paris flight. 

She noted that it was not without incident as an impending fight between two passengers had to be foiled by the flight attendants. 

She said they defused the situation fairly quickly but stayed near the two guys for a while. 

She'll stay the night in Paris and then on to the preliminary leg of her journey to the actual Camino. 

You can read her thoughts, written yesterday, and, of course, can follow her blog. Once she starts walking on Monday, you'll have a month's worth of daily posts, with photos, to enjoy.

And, you can cheer her on with your comments.

                                                                           --Sandpoint Reader

Exciting times ahead for Sandpoint as the Carousel of Smiles has found what looks to be a permanent home in Sandpoint. 

Kinda neat that a carousel once a part of the Kansas State Fair has found its home in the original location of the Co-Op Farm store. 

It's a neat area right next to what's called the Granary Arts District. 

Fun story. 


Right now, it's looking like a reasonably lazy Saturday, but there are beans to pick and some grocery shopping to do.  

I'm sure Bill and I will find a way to enjoy this beautiful day. 

Happy Saturday. 

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