Monday, August 05, 2024

Picking Purple Gold with Pups


Simple but wise

It's always good to find items like the graphic above.  

The suggestions seemed especially good for a Monday morning.

I guess I'll be singing a lot while enduring the political insanity between now and Nov. 5. 

The Young Love's, Ma and Pa Love and four Love pups went to the mountains yesterday. 

It wasn't exactly escaping the rat race because, in spite of the mostly rainy weather, we saw a lot of traffic on a road where we also spotted and picked enough huckleberries for sampling and putting in the freezer. 

They were sparkling clean huckleberries, thanks to the rain AND easy for us to pick---right alongside the road.  

In fact, one time Bill commented that I could sit in my passengers seat, open the door and pick. 

We did get a little wet, but that was okay because it was a warm rain.  

So nice to have this surprise soaking rain.  I'm guessing worries about forest fires around the area may be put on the table for a while.

The doggies had a great time hanging with us when they weren't racing and jumping around, demonstrating their amazing agility and ever-present energy. 

After the hectic pace of the past several weeks, this mountain getaway with the kids and dogs provided a refreshing and beautiful change. 

Our busy summer schedule will start up again this week when Annie arrives and spends a long weekend. We're looking forward to her visit, which will occur shortly before her walking journey across Northern Spain. 

Lots of fun stuff ahead. 

Before our huckleberry outing, I picked my first garden cabbage and managed to put together a quart of sauerkraut and some tasty coleslaw.  

Looking forward to when that sauerkraut has fermented enough to enjoy with a Wood's German sausage.  

Busy times.  

Tasty times. 

To my friend Diane, this blog post is dedicated to you. Keep up the good fight.  

You have a cheering section as do several other friends dealing with health issues. 


Also, congratulations to my sister Laurie and her friend Roxzene who are on their way home with a lot of loot, earned in a Regional Arabian sport horse show in Portland. 

Safe travels. 


For those who wondered, after seeing a post a couple of weeks ago, what the stunning flower above is called, I found this photo on Twitter today.  

It's called a tri-color chrysanthemum or painted daisy. 

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