Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thursday and the Travelers


My pumpkins are turning.  

This year's crop has produced a variety of sizes and even shapes. 

Seems that the aged-manure on the west side of the barn has been good for both pumpkins and potatoes. 

Those successes have made up for much of the garden disappointment for this season.  

It's always baffling why certain veggies produce abundance some years and not much some seasons. 

In spite of the disappointment, we have still enjoyed whatever we could harvest. 

It's probably been at least 25 years since I've seen Paavo Makinen. 

He spent a year as a Finnish exchange student at Sandpoint High School where he graduated with the Class of 1987.  

A while back, Paavo wrote and told me of his plans to ride his motorcycle around the region in September and that part of his time in the United States would include a visit to Sandpoint.  

Well, Paavo has been here this week.  Yesterday after my last physical therapy session, we met at MickDuff's and talked constantly for more than an hour.  

As I told Paavo, our time together felt like  speed visit as we tried to touch on nearly 30 years of our mutual lives. 

It was fun and inspiring to hear about his career, his family, his travels and his visits with local friends he made during his year at Sandpoint High School. 

If all works out, Paavo will also visit with Willie at the high school.  Willie was just 10 years old, and I'm not sure if the two met during that time. 

Paavo is a journalist, though, specializing in all things motorcycle.  So, I have a feeling the two of them will hit it off. 

I know it's redundant when I constantly say what a gift it is to be able to reconnect with these former students.  


It is. 

Great seeing you, Paavo.  You make an old teacher proud.  

This is not the official awards photo for Laurie and Pache's Arabian Sport Horse national championship, but it's good enough.  

Thank you, Kevin, for taking the photo of Laurie and Pache with their awards---minus the gorgeous Arabian national championship trophy.  

A sample is seen in the stock photo below. 

Laurie has a chance to win some more loot with class today and another on Saturday. 

Fingers crossed for more success. 

Annie had an easy day today, so her blog is up, and she's exploring.  

There's a castle in the Spanish town where she is staying tonight.  Check out the rest of her news from today. 

Lots of pretty flowers and interesting sights from the Healing Garden next to the hospital. 

Also, around the neighborhood and the Lovestead, leaves continue to fall.  Some are unique in design and color while others are just dead leaves.

It's definitely a transitional time of year.  

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