Friday, March 07, 2025

Friday Morning in Selle


March mornings when the sun comes up are among my favorite times of the year. 

There's the crunch crunch of the slightly frozen ground with each step taken.

Robins are sitting and singing in tree tops. 

Geese seemingly never shut up as they fly overhead this way and that way and maybe even back again.  Must be a lot of decision-making up there as they decide where they're going to land. 

Crows are talking in their chosen venues.

On this morning, the band of Bambi moms, babies and maybe even aunts were sneaking through the woods. 

They saw us and stared.  Bridie and I both stared back.  Then, we all moved on our respective ways.

The driveway is walkable because mud puddles are iced over and afternoon sloppy mud is still frozen.  

School buses and other rigs are rolling by on their way to wherever the occupants will spend the day. 

Pretty much every morning, Gary from up the road pulls out of his driveway, stops at his mail/paperbox and grabs the Daily Bee before directing his white pickup toward town.   

I'm guessing he moved a little faster toward the morning coffee klatch at Umpqua Bank because if we didn't receive a paper, neither did he. 

It's a fun time of the day as Bridie and I take our walks around the place and then I head out to get the paper. 

Lots going on and much more alive that than the mornings have been out there this time of day for several months. 

I have a feeling that, as spring comes closer, the activity will pick up and will be that much more fun. 

It's ZAP and JAB day for me (and for Bill with the latter). 

I'll go to Sally's at noon and she'll mix up her goop so I can have a little dose of the fountain of youth as she does a weave in my hair. 

After that, Bill and I will join up and make ourselves miserable for several hours with Covid shots. 

Since we'll soon be traveling out of the country, we'll protect ourselves every way possible. 

In the meantime, I'm not looking forward to the sore arm or any temporary residuals that come with the "jab." 

But I'll have peace of mind. 

Happy Friday. 

What fun and how "spatial"  it was to run into these two yesterday at Umpqua Bank.  

They are a husband and wife AND both are former students. 

Vern and Adrienne graduated from Sandpoint High in the early 1990s. 

In those days, Vern thought a lot of things were "spatial," while, as a sophomore in my honors English class, Adrienne gave me a sample of her artwork with an important reminder, especially for these times:  the pen is mightier than the sword. 

I still have that graphic of Adrienne's tucked away somewhere in the house. 

I had not seen either of this couple for a number of years, 'cept for a quick hello to Adrienne a couple of years ago when she was judging a trail class at a local horse show. 

For a number of years Vern and Adrienne worked for Dr. Forest Bird at Glengary.  These days, with their kids grown, they live in the Hoodoo country.  

Adrienne earned her teaching degree and now teaches at Sandpoint High School, and I am so proud of her. 

Vern works for a contractor and employs a variety of his skills which he has learned over the years, including plumbing and logging. 

Twas a very "spatial" chance meeting, to say the least. 

Some tidbits of wisdom I've seen posted on Facebook. 

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