Saturday, March 08, 2025

Saturday Slight


Two of these lovely birds spent most of yesterday in the service-berry bush. 

Usually we see black birds in marshes, but something about the Lovestead and that big bush must have attracted them.  

I hope they hang around because I love their songs.  

This morning, robins were holding court in the big bush as were dozens of song birds. 

We are kinda getting to the ragtag stage of early spring with leftover leaves doing their best to cling to tree branches. 

It's definitely a messy time, but the rake and cart and  old-people power are teaming up and gradually cleaning up areas in the lawn. 

Yesterday the cart was filled with hundreds of cones which have fallen over the winter.  And, more are waiting to be raked up and hauled off today. 

Bill and I took time out from our outdoor work to drive to Wal Mart yesterday for our Covid vaccinations. 

All went well, including some quick visits with the pharmacist who loves horses and a former student who left his spot in the pharmacy line to come and say hello. 

He doesn't have any hair left on his head so it took me a while to connect with his face.  He's every bit as nice now as he as a student back in 1989.  

Thanks, Dean, for saying hi. 

Sixteen hours out from the "jab" in the upper left arm and I'm pretty amazed with how easy the aftermath has been.  I slept through the night and never did take the Tylenol pill on the shelf next to the bed. 

This morning all is still well---just a bit tired. 

That will be okay because, with some good basketball games on today, I'll have an excuse to do a little couch potato time and tune in to the constant reminder to CHANGE THE CLOCKS. 

My only regret about springing forward is that, for a while, Bridie and I will lose our morning light. 

I hope there's enough daylight coming at 6:30 tomorrow to leave the flashlight behind. 

That said, the "golden hour" for photography should return, maybe even tomorrow after dinner. I love driving around trying to capture images during that early evening light, and we might start piling in the pickup after dinner and go for drives. 

Amazing what an hour change on the clock can do for our attitudes and our activities. 

Now, we will loosen up. 

Now we will stop being so withholding and rigid with our time, with our presence, with our imaginations. 

Now a perfectly good Saturday plan is just to meet up outside and see what develops. 

The season of scarcity is coming to a close and now we will spend ourselves with abandon.

----from today's New York Times newsletter

My brother Mike posted the link below on his Facebook page.  

The piece (which is a gift story) serves as a basic reminder of how fast fear can and has taken over in the past six weeks and  crushed the spirit and courage of so many leaders whom we count on to represent us.

All voices must be heard in this country we call America, the land of the FREE.  

When we give up our voices, we give up so much more. 

Speaking up.  We must.

My daughter Annie attended a science rally in Seattle near the Space Needle yesterday.  She was thrilled when the governor of Washington stood up and spoke.

 In reference to the rally, the following piece appeared in the Daily Bee this week. 

It's written by an area grad who believes in the power of science and the educational foundations that drive science.

Below: it won't be long before Bill has to use the refrigerator to brew his tea. For now, no kilowatts are used. 

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