Lupines have come ablaze on the back road.
Doyle Reader may own this stump these days. When it was a tree, the Moore family owned it.
It's on what we called the "back road" for years, but nowadays, and for a long time, in fact, they call it Woodland Drive.
I stopped on Woodland Drive long enough yesterday to snap this photo.
Forgot how busy the once quiet road has become. By the time I pointed and shot, I heard cars. Two had already come around the corner, almost blocking my shot.
When I waved, neither driver waved back. Those moments always sadden me---when I see tangibly that was once an old dirt road has progressed into a busy paved highway, of sorts.
Still, the lupine don't care. They come up every year and put on a great show.
Next week, my ever-expanding lupine patch in Love Canal, should come on fire with purples, blues, pinks, wine-red, yellow, etc. Can't wait.
'Til then, this patch satisfied my love of the volunteer roadside flower.
It was a rainy, rainy day, as mentioned yesterday. Relentless rain, might be the best way to describe it.
By afternoon, all progress on mudholes was covered with water. But, by late afternoon, the rain stopped, and the clouds disappeared from in front of the mountain.
A new coating of snow and news that another ski hill near Kellogg will be open for Memorial Day weekend.
Thank God, we didn't get it down here on the flats, where we need to find graves for placing flowers.
Yup, the weekend is coming, and everyone has grand plans in spite of the less-than-desirable weather.
I saw yesterday that Annie found three sets of hand warmers in her camping gear, so she'll keep warm wherever she pitches her tent.
Bill and I are planning a day trip up north toward Good Grief and the Moyie. My friend Mike Rosenberger told me last week that some friends are opening a convenience store/gift shop up there in the big opening on the highway to Good Grief.
And, of course, we'll have to stop and see Katherine at the restaurant.
We'll do all that in between visiting with whoever is hanging out in Sandpoint this weekend.
If they work, I'm including some photos of our Love Doves who come to the bird feeder almost every day.
I caught them in an intimate moment the other day. And, maybe a few rainy day shots from yesterday.
With that, I'll try to post pictures and wish everyone a happy and safe weekend.
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