Saturday, May 28, 2011

Saturday Slight

The beauty of pansies always astounds me.  They're kinda like deer.  

Seems they're always around in big numbers this time of the year, but virtually every sighting gives us a fresh and welcome sensory adventure.  

Of course, sometimes as the spring moves into summer, my favorite view of deer is from behind as they're leaving my garden areas. 

Pansies, on the other hand,  hang in there throughout the summer and never bother anyone's garden.  

Those planted from seed here at the Lovestead have just started to form blossoms----as have my lilac bushes.

Normally on Memorial Day weekend, we have a good supply of lilacs for grave decorating----not this year.

In fact, my offerings consist of a few white iris in the far north garden, which is still under water.  Maybe I can tiptoe along the higher edge and pluck a few today or tomorrow.

The weekend started well for us last night.  We enjoyed a meal with Willie and Debbie at the Blue Heron Restaurant and then took a drive along Pack River Road and on up Caribou Creek.  

Bill was looking for moose, saying the area was usually thick with them.

Finally, Debbie yelled out, "There's a moose!"

It was a big one too, galloping through the open areas alongside us and actually keeping ahead of us.

Debbie, who hasn't seen nearly as many moose as the locals, was pretty excited.  

We drove to a bridge with some gushing water flowing beneath it and then turned around.  

On our way home, we saw the usual number of deer (always plentiful) and at least half a dozen elk grazing in one of the Wood's fields. 

Again, like the pansies, we never tire of seeing wildlife, especially from a safe distance.

Yesterday was a good-news day for those of us wondering how our friend and colleague, Rick Gehring, who suffered a stroke in early February,  is getting along.  

After having a couple of folks asking, I just called Ann.  She was at the Florida facility where Rick is receiving intense therapy.  

His physical therapy has really taken off since he moved to the place a couple of weeks ago.  He can stand with a lot of support, and he's progressed beyond what the doctors originally anticipated by this time.

Ann told me his speech therapy is coming slowly, but she also handed the phone to Rick, and he said, "Hello, Marianne."  

Hearing that was pretty neat, to say the least.  

It's possible that they may be home in the next week or two.  I can tell you also that they are both extremely appreciative of all the support and kind words folks have sent their way.

Ann says those messages from so many people have inspired Rick to work that much harder at getting better.

Keep up the good work, Rick and Ann.  


My afternoon turned a bit sad yesterday when I went to the barn and found our big, fluffy,  blond cat,  Lonesome Love, lying dead in one of the horse stalls.

There was no sign of injury or hint as to why he died.  He's been with us for at least ten years after we rescued him from a dog who used to kill kittens.  

That same dog is with us, and she hasn't killed a kitten for a long, long time.  In fact, she lives in the barn where Lonesome and Fuzzy Wuzzy have resided for the past month or so.  

I buried our old feline friend out north of the barn and have since thought a lot about what a sweet guy he was over the years.  

Such is life on the farm where we never know when we'll have to face the death of our critter friends.  RIP Lonesome.  

This morning Willie and Debbie are down by Wal-Mart with other volunteers, picking up trash along the roadsides.  It's a project for the Girl Scouts, who will receive a nice donation from the store. 

Tomorrow, the Love bunch will head north toward Moyie and just enjoy the day.  We haven't had a chance to do that for a long time, with everyone's busy schedules so I'm looking forward to that. 

In the meantime, we'll hang out here and get some stuff done.  I think I can finally plant a few more tomatoes and maybe even try a cucumber plant or two.  The peppers may just go in bigger containers and stay in the greenhouse.

Overall, though, the garden is pretty much in the ground and starting to thrive. Plus, more pretty pansies are coming on.


That's all for now.  Have a happy Saturday.

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