Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Covering the Candidate

Lights! Candidate! Action!
I had a chance to play roving freelance photographer yesterday at the Bonner County Fairgrounds.
Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul came to town.
He visited our old neighbors, Quest Aircraft Co. and spoke at a noon rally. 
Along with Rep. Paul came the media.
Some represented Spokane television stations.
The highlight of my day, as a journalist, was shaking hands with Cole Heath from Krem 2 News.  He's the handsome young guy in the white shirt and tie.
I told Cole that I enjoy his reports from North Idaho---always meticulous, informative and professionally presented. 
In addition to various forms of media, an estimated 1,200 spectators, many avid Ron Paul supporters filled the main exhibit hall.  At least a few,  like me,  who like to witness newsworthy local history, regardless of the political party represented added to the crowd.
  Not too many Presidential hopefuls show up in Sandpoint, so the event was significant. 
I enjoyed the people watching and visiting with several friends, some of whom came to see, hear and support their candidate.
The event was well organized and on time.  
Of course, Rep. Paul had to be in Moscow by 3 p.m., so it was important that he start speaking at high noon.
I also enjoyed the media presence, which included four members of the Sandpoint High School Cedar Post staff.  Yay, Willie!
What a great opportunity for these young reporters and photographers to play a part and practice their skills in a major national news story of the day!
It will be interesting to see their take on the political rally. 
I listened to a portion of the speech but must admit, that I've heard it several times before on television coverage.  
I'm sure the same is true for all Presidential candidates who make daily appearances in community after community across the country. 
It was a fun experience, and I enjoyed the freedom to take photos wherever I wished. 
That may not be the case with some candidates who may require tighter security.
Sandpoint was good to Ron Paul, and Ron Paul's appearance added a touch of excitement to an otherwise wet and dreary day.
It will be fun, as usual, to see how today's  primary elections and caucuses play out.
I know that my son and his Cedar Post staff are excited about this evening's caucus at Sandpoint High School.
They get to sell muffins and coffee at the event to raise funds for their trip to the national journalism convention in Seattle next month. 
So, Republicans, eat up down there at the caucus!
Support those young journalists!

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