Monday, March 05, 2012

Snow dogs and the Upper Pack

This is Adam.  I've had the pleasure of watching him grow up over the past six years.  
His grandpa, also my classmate Gary, lives just up the road from us.  His dad Rex was one of my students at Sandpoint High.
I've known his family forever, it seems, and I've thoroughly enjoyed all my encounters with Adam, whether it be meeting him on his bike while on a horseback ride, watching him buck bales for my sisters or even on one of his family snowmobile jaunts.
That's where Bill and I saw Adam yesterday.  He was the first of several snowmobilers to come down the Upper Pack River Road.  
They had met with others up at Roman Nose for a barbecue.  I understand my old friend Pat Gunter brought the eats.  
Knowing Pat, they had a great time up on the mountain.
We visited with Adam for a few minutes and then with the rest of his family and friends as we walked with the dogs two miles up and two miles down from the snowmobile unloading lot. 
It was nice to see deep snow and even better, knowing we were leaving it to go home.  It was clean, pretty and picturesque.  
The snow also created some fun for the dogs who loved crawling up the high banks and looking at us eye to eye.  That's how deep the snow was.
Believe me, when you've got to go for a potty break, there's planning involved when the snow's that deep.  I got high-centered once, but managed to crawl my way toward a tree well, which served as a good "out" house.
We enjoyed our walk and especially enjoyed the marshmallow-cream boulders in the river.
Then, we came home and made our way through melting snow and ever-increasing mud to the house.
We figure that we hit the Upper Pack River area at a good time cuz with this week's warm temperature, they're gonna see a lot more mud and water than we do.
And, so late winter MARCHES on, as do the basketball players who hope to dance late next week.
GO ZAGS tonight against St. Mary's.  You played a phenomenal game Saturday night.  Let's make it two in a row.
Happy Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What fun to see the snow dogs and to "meet" Gary's grandson! Puz