Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Defining Day

On this day,  my brother Mike has had 40 years to reflect on this piece of art, created and copyrighted by Joe Kline.

Mike was the pilot sitting in the cockpit of that Cobra helicopter.  His co-pilot was Marco Cordon.  The two have spent time together this week in meaningful recollections.

A SAM (Surface to Air Missile) launched by the North Vietnamese hit their helicopter on June 21, 1972.  They lived to tell about it---miraculously.

So, today, on this significant anniversary,  I'll launch a salute to Mike and Marco and all who risk and give their lives while serving in the United States military. 

Also, I'll leave you with a link,  detailing the story of this defining day in my brother's life.  

Also, for military buffs, googling "Shootdown of Mike Brown and Marco Cordon" will lead you to several links with perspectives on this particular story of the Vietnam War.


Anonymous said...

We did the search you suggested and read the transcript of his debriefing. Truly amazing story!!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Oh, my........I am speechless, I had no idea!