Monday, June 01, 2015

It's June!

Rome Dispatch . . . . 

Any guesses where this is????

It's called "bucatina amatriciana."  My source tells me it's good.

My source also reports having lunch today with three Irish sisters (one also a Sister)
On a hill in Rome, Palatine, I believe!

Orvieto, Italy.  

Annie and her friends are on a day trip to Assisi on this first day of June. 

Lovestead Dispatch . . . .

Suddenly, the grass in the fields has taken off.  A few weeks ago, it looked a bit scarce, which was worrisome.  Of course, in our minds because of super nice weather, we were ahead of schedule.  Mother Nature knows what she's doing, and she saw that the grass grew on schedule.

Along with all that grass come weeds.  So, yesterday farmer and weed expert extraordinaire Lori came and sprayed the fields to stop the growth of those weeds.

She also told me what fertilizer to buy for the west half of our hay field which is perennially lighter than the other half.

So, I came home from the Co-Op with four bags of No. 20 fertilizer, and within the next hour, Bill and I had emptied the bags in that portion of the field.  Then, a nice rain came to help the fertilizer dissolve and do its work. 

Along with a nice limo ride and lovely luncheon, this bouquet of flowers from the luncheon came home with me Saturday.

When we see and smell the peonies, we know summer is arriving.

I love the assortment. 

Baby apples from the my favorite tree.  This year it's loaded.  Those apples grow big and taste so good. 

I did take time to smell the roses this morning, and these white roses put out the sweetest of aromas for the morning strolls. 

When the wind blows, the petals don't fall far from the bush. 

Just a small portion of the wild rose, actually tamed for a while, when Bill brought me home a start in a pot about four years ago.  This is the one that I swear may spread its way to Bonners Ferry some day.


It's a lovely first day of June.  Hope everyone enjoys the day. 

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