Friday, November 03, 2017

Snow Daze

Snow, how do I hate thee?
Let me count the ways.
Well, I can't count that high.

So, snow, how do I love thee? 
I can count those ways, maybe even on one hand.

I love thee for my camera.
I love thee proactively falling from my satellite dishes.
I love thee as horses and doggies frolic.
I love thee on mountain tops where recreationalists frolic.
I especially love thee when I don't have to shovel thee or hear thee crashing off the roof.

That's enough!

Granted, the snow did create a few pretty pictures yesterday.  Snow on golden larch needles and on leaves still attached to trees and on still living flower blossums creates
pretty pictures.  

Today we'll see more picture taking opportunities as more snow piled up over night, meaning serious shoveling and blowing and plowing.

It will truly be a day of testing our resolve. 

Have I, by any chance, said we're not ready for this?

Well, if I haven't, I'll say we're just not ready for this.

Since we have no choice in these matters of nature, let the images of the first day of snow for Winter 2017 help ease pain in overworked muscles, white-knuckles at the wheel and continual groaning that goes along with a winter which has come much too soon.

Enjoy. Also, Happy Friday, GO ZAGS, and Happiest of Birthdays to our beloved daughter-in-law Debbie.

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