Thursday, December 21, 2017

Hello, Winter!

 Twas a glorious day, one from which Christmas cards are created. 

It took a while to appreciate the glory, however.  

Many folks in the area have the sore muscles to testify that shoveling heavy snow, plowing heavy snow, blowing heavy snow and sitting in the dark because of heavy snow had not appeared on their bucket lists for this busy week before Christmas. 

When the work was all done, though, glorious winter beauty reigned pretty much everywhere. 

Animals frolicked.  Liam played keep away with the ball, occasionally having to dig deep into the deep snow to find it.  

Kiwi and Foster remained content to stand in plowed out pathways and let their friend take on the deepness. 

Some animals' nostrils flared---specifically little CB's---after seeing that deep white stuff for the first time ever. 

Then, frolicking, snorting and prancing began, along with some mentoring as Mazy showed the little guy just how rolling in deep snow is done. 

CB was impressed but not enough to give it a try---just yet anyway. 

There are no words to adequately describe the beauty bestowed upon us yesterday.  Happily, it will be frozen in place for several days, so we'll enjoy several extra helpings of North Idaho eye candy.  

A good thing at Christmas time. 

Since there are no words, I'll let pictures do the talking this morning------'cept to say, "GO, ZAGS!"  Beat those Aztecs.  Tonight at 7 p.m. PST, CBS Sports (221 DirecTV). 

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