Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Touching Moments

Yes, indeed, there were the gifts and the goodies aplenty, but, as always, one of the most fun parts of the Christmas season comes with moments with friends and family we don't always see.

We had our share of that, with exchanges of sweets, meats and individually crafted items. Always fun to share stories behind what is given and what is received. 

In my case, I told cookie-plate recipients about my erratic oven which meant slow cooking of cookies and gave hints about warming up some of those cookies for a few seconds and they would taste a whole lot better.

My next-door neighbor Bev always brings something unique and charmingly creative.  One year she thought of Bill and brought over some cane syrup.  This year, instead of eats, she brought a handmade basket filled with winter survival items.

With the dry skin prevailing around here in this somewhat frigid weather, both Annie and I wasted no time taking advantage of the lotions Bev had included in the basket.

One afternoon, Annie's friend Charity and her husband Chris came to the house, bearing a lovely box of Godiva chocolates and sharing some great personal stories.  

Turns out Chris graduated from East Valley High School with one of our "outlaws," Dana.  

So, a few Dana stories were told, all good!

One of the most special aspects of this Christmas for those of us Love's was having our immediate family all together for Christmas morning gift opening.  I do not believe that has happened for at least 15 years.

Times have changed in Debbie's family with the loss of her grandma this past year, so holiday events with her clan moved to Coeur d'Alene, thus allowing Willie and Debbie to spend the morning with us. 

While dogs watched, humans opened gift after gift, almost every one with a special meaning intended for the recipient or associated with the unique opportunity to bring those gifts.  

In Annie's case, the rest of us benefitted from her trip to New Zealand this past month.  

Lots of Kiwi themes inside all that wrapping paper. 

On Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day, horses, both here at the Lovestead and at Tibbs Arabians, enjoyed some moments of extra attention as some visitors met them for the first time, while with others, it was a return to some old friends. 

CB was a trooper as he had a halter on for about the fourth time, made his way through the rest of the herd of his kind and came out of the barnyard to be greeting by about a dozen adoring new fans. 

He seemed to like the attention and stood rather quietly for about 20 minutes before returning to his corral and his three close friends. 

It was a delight to watch the awe and the love which always comes out in wonderful images when young people get acquainted with willing and soft noses to pet.

Very "touching," in more ways than one. 

Yup, twas a wonderful few days from start to finish.  This morning, Annie is headed to Schweitzer to go snow boarding with a friend and Bill will go back to work---- big rush on end-of-the-year tree-farm related tax reports. 

Brother Jim, creator of cheeseball extraordinaire,  is driving back to Oregon, while older brother Mike and his wife Mary are headed over the mountains to celebrate holiday cheer with their two large families. 

And, I in my new cap (a pretty turquoise theme, given to me by Bill) will go out and try out my new snowshoes and action camera (thank you, Barbara and Laurie). 

Thanks to all---family and friends---for all the special memories that unfolded with this Christmas season.

Much appreciated.

Happy Tuesday.     

1 comment:

Becky Reynolds said...

Sounds like you all had a very special Christmas with family and friends. They are our true "gifts" and how blessed we are to have them. Thanks for sharing yours with us.