Friday, February 09, 2018

Just Country Life

Just days ago, the scene at the top was the scene in the photo above.  We've had some good melting this week, and, in comparison to last year's extremely wet year,  it's been gradual but noticeable.

We'll take it. 

This morning we have a light covering of snow, a cool breeze and some lower temperatures.  

We'll take that too. 

After washing two dogs daily for the past five or six days, I'm happy for a break if the mud stays frozen today. 

Fortunately, both Liam and Foster are very cooperative, and  this year, I've come up with a new set-up in the garage for doggie drying, which does not involve standing on my head for ten minutes at a whack. 

Liam has used the new set-up the most.  It includes a square dog crate, covered with a blanket and one of those doggie paw-drying rugs.  

Thanks to his agility training last summer, all I have to do is say "Up," and Liam immediately leaps to his spot.  

After a couple of years of killing my body squatting down on the floor, I'm rather liking our drying off sessions where Liam stands at waist level and we can look into each other's eyes.  

I have a choice of using the doggie dryer or some big, warm towels.  Liam will stand still for either, but for some reason wrapping him in those big warm towels reinforces a nice bond between the two of us. 

Foster, on the other hand, goes to the sink in the utility room and then into a giant towel before being carried to the couch for drying.  He simply lies back and relaxes as I work on his paws, rear end and tummy area. 

Even though they're cooperative, taking a break from the daily baths will be more than welcome. 

In other Lovestead news, yesterday was Festus the diabetic cat's day to go for his glucose check-up, insulin resupply and worming.  

Turned out Festus had another problem with his claws which needed to be dealt with and which involves his having to wear some bandages for a few days. 

Happily, he was a pretty good patient for Dr. Kellner and the tech staff. 

Also, he's maintaining just fine with his glucose level, and we'll find out today how he's doing overall as a 14-year-old diabetic cat.  I do know that he seldom stops purring, which is always reassuring. 

My Thursday included another afternoon trip to my sisters for the daily session with Mr. Cutie Pie aka CB.  

Debbie happened to be around Wednesday.  Also, Barbara and Laurie were working their horses, so we all had a nice social event with peeps and horses in the arena.  

CB truly loves his peeps, and he also keeps a close watch on how the big horses do things.  

After watching Barbara ride Dusty over the bridge, which they use for trail class training, CB walked aboard and stood there proudly.

He just needs to realize that it's better while crossing a bridge to come off the opposite end rather than in the middle where some day he might fall in the creek.  For six months old, though, he's doing rather well. 

So, it's Friday, the end of another week which has sped by quickly.  Today will include some of the above as well as a trip to the high school tonight to watch the Lady Bulldogs. 

Last night, Bill went to Spokane to watch the Gonzaga Lady Bulldogs while I held down the fort here at the house watching the men.  Twas a clean sweep, and let's hope the hometown Bulldogs do well tonight. 

Happy Friday. 

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