Thursday, February 08, 2018

Mud-Stained Olympics, Et. Al.

The Awards Ceremony took place in the hay loft of our beautiful classic red barn.   Teams marched forward as Bill played the Olympic theme on his harmonica. 

Dressing rooms for girls:  the bunkhouse; for boys, the barn. 

As far as I know, all none of the athletes took any performance-enhancing drugs, and nobody cheated in any other ways. 

How can you cheat in foot-deep slop, anywho????

Feast afterward?  Yes, seems like it might have been a big pot of spaghetti with a lot of junk food.

Did you allow them into the house?  Yes, they were told to bring a change of clothes for after the events.   Towels and wash cloths were provided. 

Conditions were perfect. The mud was so deep in the barnyard that boots would come off and stocking feet sometimes inadvertently plunged into the soupy blend of  horse manure, dirt, water, horse urine, sand and rocks. 

The mud fling and the mud tug took place in the barnyard venue, while a spirited mud football game occurred in the pasture east of the barn.  

The mud relay occurred in a variety of venues around the barn, even the neighbors' field. 

Seems like we had one more event than what I've mentioned, but it's not ringing a bell.  After all, that was late winter-early spring in the early 1980s, so my memory is a bit murky. 

Who won?  I'm guessing Monticola, the yearbook staff, may have defeated the Student Council in that year's event. 

In another year, the winner might have been the Leohono Honor Society.  

Yes, on this Throwback Thursday day when ice skating begins before the big beginning of the 2018 Winter Olympics, I cannot help but reflect on the best Olympic events I've ever attended. 

And, to have hosted them at our farm on Great Northern Road without taxpayer money or corporate investments and to have had them turn out to be rousing successes----I'm pretty proud. 

The Mud Olympics truly brought together our student body, and I have a feeling they may still live in the minds of many who participated. 

Speaking of minds, especially that of Willie's, as seen below.  I guess there was no permanent damage, no concussions, no brain injuries----just a dirty mop of normally white blonde hair.  

That occurred after his "protective" baseball cap came off as ASB president Hoyt Bonar stuffed him into the muck while Monticola's Jeff Gustaveson decorated Hoyt. 

Twas a great and hilarious happening which showcased competitive spirit, teamwork and ghoulish, somewhat perverse behavior.

What's better than a pie eating contest that goes awry or an innocent athletic event turning dirty????

I've dealt with both as a former educator and loved 'em both. 

Anyway, the remotes will be busy starting today, switching channels to take in Winter Olympic action and the best of basketball in the best part of the season 'cept March Madness. 

And, this morning that little muddy Willie, all grown up, is a proud assistant coach, along with his buddy Duane/Woody and all the Sandpoint High Lady Bulldogs.  

One more win, and they go to State next week.  The Lady Bulldogs defeated Moscow last night in a best 2 out of 3 district tournament game. 

Tomorrow night they'll host the Bears at Bulldog Gym in hopes of finishing the job so they can pack their suitcases and head off to Boise. 

Good Luck and Congratulations, Lady Bulldogs and staff. 

Since it's Throwback Thursday AND Game Day for ZAGS, I went around yesterday taking pictures of my ZAGS wallpaper, which has been gradually taking up more and more wall space each year.

So, I hope you enjoy a trip down ZAGS memory lane, going back to teams from 2009. 

Tonight the men take on Pacific in Stockton, Calif. Let's hope they can avoid the upset trends that took down NCAA ranked No. 1 (Villanova) and No. 3 (Purdue) last night.  

7 p.m. PST on ROOT.

GO, ZAGS.  Let's roar past those Tigers!

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