Friday, June 15, 2018

44 Years /Life Is Good at the LOVEstead

Bill and I exchanged cards this morning, marking our 44th wedding anniversary.  He talked about this being a pretty day, just like June 15, 1974, but not as hot

In my card to him, I wrote, "Let's keep this thing going."

Not a lot of mushy gushy or Lovey Dovey stuff in this relationship, but I do believe there's a better and a deeper love, which manifests itself in many, many ways pretty much every day. 

When my teaching colleague Ray Holt said, a few years back during a retirement speech in my behalf, ". . . and she married the nicest man in Sandpoint," I nodded in agreement.  

Now, granted, there may be a few other local wives who would say the same about their husbands------I hope so.

Love at the Lovestead does include some spats.  

For example, he doesn't always pick up his ice cream wrappers from the couch.  In fact, just yesterday, Liam found a wrapper on the couch and was soon ripping it into little Liam pieces.   

I'm not exactly easy for Bill to tolerate whenever I'm in a funk, but for 44 years we've risen from the low moments and have had an infinite number of great times enjoying each other's company in the environments we love. 

We've been blessed by great kids, some pretty neat dogs, several cool cats and a horse or two.  Not so sure Bill counts the latter as a blessing.  

We also have good asparagus!

And, we've marched on through four-plus decades, collaborating, supporting, respecting, laughing, communicating and even stumbling briefly in life's potholes but always moving on. 

We live in a beautiful place (home and community), and we have enjoyed a multitude of blessings pretty much every day.  

At this time on this 44th anniversary, I'm quite happy to say that the State of the Lovestead is mighty fine, thank you. 

Happy Anniversary to Bill, and Happy Anniversary to all who are celebrating their wedding anniversaries during this month.  I know there are a few June brides out there.  

Happy Friday to all.  

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