Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Always and Forever: Christmas 2018

The new Border Collie, wind-driven rather than Atta Boy, will go in the outside garden when winter's over.

For now, it will spend its days and nights as a centerpiece.

Some members of various parts of the extended family attended the family Mass at St. Joseph's on Christmas Eve.
                                ---Kevin Ansel Adams West Photo

The landscape on Christmas Day 2018 could not have been any prettier, I do believe. 

Informal brunch before opening presents on Christmas morning.

Twas pizza, salad and cookies at my sisters' house for Christmas Eve gift opening. 

Some of the gang staying at the Thompson cabin came over for a Christmas morning visit. 

Some of Emma's Christmas in America included new cats and jammies, hats, shirts, socks and jewelry. 

Emma gave Bill and me a book about her hometown of Berlin.  Looking forward to thumbing through it. 

If you're thinking "Pioneer Woman," you are spot on. 

Both Debbie and I received some Pioneer Woman gifts for Christmas. 

Her new dining room table was christened last last night with this colorful array of table accessories and a tasty selection of meats, potatoes, stuffing, veggies and rolls.

Twas beyond Yum Yum!

Bill was SO proud when he found this friendly Bigfoot sculpture at a gift store in town. 

Debbie was SO thrilled to receive it, and immediately put him to use, adding a festive flair to last night's Christmas dinner gathering. 

Willie cooked the beef sirloin, and Debbie cooked the ham.

The rest of us thoroughly enjoyed our dinner and the fun company at the Young Love's home.

And, the evening was topped off by a touching wedding scene from the movie Napoleon Dynamite where Kip sings a touching set of lyrics to his bride LaFawndah (do check it out).

"Always and Forever," a truly wonderful Christmas 2018. 

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