Thursday, December 27, 2018


Sometimes, it's just the moments.

Pretty much all the time, each new day dishes us out a potpourri of good times, bad times, fun times, sad times and, of course, blah times---some fleeting, others remaining a permanent part of our fabric.  

Amidst this regular patchwork of happenings and emotions, we are so fortunate to isolate the special moments---setting the rest aside for the time being--- and allow those little blips in time during our day to sustain us.

So, today is about blips.  

Blips of the "day after Christmas, 2018" included some pleasant, often brief moments where big smiles, total awe, gorgeous winter scenery, special connections, excitement, etc. took center stage, temporarily wiping away all other weighty concerns.

It was a lovely winter day with many priceless blips involving folks and animals I happen to know and love.

For those brief moments, powerful, positive forces converged: 

a young lady and her horse friend getting better connected while her grandmother watched;

 quiet, nostalgic winter scenes while walking along a rural road; 

   obvious excitement in a young country boy's eyes as he told  about his best Christmas present (a dirt bike)

 or even family members seated around a table, visiting and enjoying tasty leftovers from the day before.

It's all good, and, whenever challenges re-emerge, we're so fortunate for these treasured moments to soften the blow.

Thank you to my niece Laura, who caught some nice images of yesterday's special moments/lovely memories. 
Happy Thursday. 

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