Friday, December 28, 2018

Winter Vignettes

My always-thoughtful former student and friend Bryant sent me the annual calendar the other day. 

As one who loves seeing all kinds of birds visiting the array of feeders and houses around the yard, the calendar is especially appreciated. 

Those prominent cottonwoods just on the other side of the fence in the Meserve Preserve is one of my most beloved sights while walking to the barn.  It's also a favorite for eagles looking for a perch.

Yesterday afternoon's colorful sky added a special touch. 

On a gorgeous and crisp winter morning, I looked up in time to see and snap a photo of our neighbor Joan and her daughter Emily.

  Throughout the year, Joan logs endless miles, walking the roads in this neighborhood, and when Emily's home for Christmas, she joins in on the fun. 

Just the scene yesterday when I walked out the garage door to finish up morning chores. 

This attractive Scotch pine in the front yard gets plenty of attention.

Its network of branches provides great opportunities for tree climbing when kids come.

Plus, it's one of my favorite settings for taking photos of friends who visit.

Yesterday I caught "that lucky ol' sun" in a perfect location as it was on its mission to "roll around Heaven" for most of the day. 

Annie captured an awesome scene of Schweitzer Mountain Resort and Lake Pend Oreille while snow boarding the other day.

When I think of having been born in or living any other place on earth, I also think, "For the grace of God go I," and feel so fortunate.

For many reasons in addition to its sheer beauty, this is truly Heaven more days than not. 

Another Annie shot with our Liam.

It's been one of the prettiest Christmas seasons I can remember in a long, long time.

Thank you, Mother Nature.

Happy Friday AND GO, ZAGS! 

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