Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Life after a Rain Storm

I called it "butt ugly."

Bill agreed with me about the "90-100-percent chance" rainstorm, expected to last throughout the day.

Then, he went off to work.

I put off going outside in the slop as long as possible, tending to after-breakfast chores and, later, a telephone call to a friend, complaining about the general state of affairs.

Then, I had to go outside where a relatively warm rain continued to fall and fill up every depression around the place, which had not been iced over.

My question:  how can it be so warm and the leg-breaking ice hangs on.

I'm still asking that question this morning after feeding the horses in a huge wet mass of ice covering the barnyard.

Anyway, the rain must fall, I reasoned yesterday, and while it does, I'll keep tending to the Christmas "to do" list, which thankfully is coming to an end with cards sent, another batch of cookies baked and about two thirds of the presents wrapped.

Then, as a distraction to the "butt ugly" weather, I drove to town and took care of some more pre-Christmas errands. 

When I arrived home around 3 p.m., the rain had stopped, the skies had opened up from the day-long gloomy, socked-in state.  

Clouds were now free to float wherever as a warm breeze began to blow.  

As I looked at the sky, I could see several patches of blue and pink and yellow.

Whenever I see beautiful billowy clouds floating across a deep blue sky, I always think about those I love who have passed.

I also figure they're up there riding those clouds.  This perspective is a hold-over from childhood when they taught us about Heaven. 

Anyway, It WAS pretty outside.  Having completed much more of the "to do" list, thanks to the rain, I just wandered about while dogs and horses, which had hovered in their respective shelters most of the miserable day raced and played. 

Yup, those clouds aka patches of Heaven topped off several hours of dismal weather, injecting everyone here at the Lovestead with a sudden healthy zest for life. 

Today, it's looking much nicer than yesterday. Plus, today is going to have a fun distraction from whatever weather Mother Nature intends to dish out and from my usual "to do" list.

I'll be picking up four foreign exchange students from the high school and driving them to Selle Valley Carden School to listen and watch while they tell the rural school students about their respective countries and their Christmas traditions. 

I think it's gonna be a fun afternoon. 

Happy Wednesday. 

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