Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Simple Gifts

Too often we underestimate the power 

of touch,

 a smile,

 a kind word,

 a listening ear,

 an honest compliment

 or the smallest act of caring,

 all of which have the potential to turn a life around.


The other day my friend and blog editor Helen sent me the painting directly above. 

To say it touched me?  You guess!

I responded, mentioning I might want to post it.  

"I was going to post it but thought it belonged to you," Helen wrote back. 

Thank you, Helen. 

I decided the painting fit in with a topic in today's posting. 

Of course, I wanted to include a credit, so I looked up the artist, only to find several more equally touching and tender paintings, all of which feature the simple passion of loving animals. 

And, of course, for me, the Appaloosa lover and the Border Collie lover, two of the late Victoria Willson-Schultz's amazing works of art touched the heart and even tugged at a few strings. 


The painting below reminds me of a visitor who came into the driveway yesterday with her mother.  

This little neighbor lady and Mom had been busy in the kitchen, and once again, the Lovestead was on their list of deliveries. 

So thoughtful, I said to the aspiring horse lover whose eyes lit up when she rode my sister's national champion trail horse.  

I also remember being touched one day last year when I saw a lovely photo of my young visitor gazing up into the eyes of her horse.  

A sense of love abounded in that photo, just like that of the little girl and her Border Collie in the painting. 

The visit from my neighbors, with their bag of Christmas treats, indeed, definitely fits the reminder above.  

It truly warmed my heart and made my day. 

Thanks so much, Sherry and Makarley for your thoughtfulness. 

This morning I am also including a flyer sent to me last night by another mom. 

My sister Laurie taught next door to this mom, who is now a Title 1 teacher at Farmin-Stidwell Elementary School. 

Without saying a whole lot more, I'll simply encourage you to look closely at the flyer.

And, I can tell you, from all I've read and from all I've heard from the many, many fans of Erik Brujhell, he lived his life practicing all of the suggestions above---not just once but pretty much every day he spent on this earth. 

A phenomenal role model whose memory continues to inspire us all, thanks to those who celebrate his life through meaningful and beneficial activities like the animal shelter benefit. 

In spite of what we see and hear on the news, we are surrounded by endless inspiring human beings whose simple but generous acts make all the difference and often make our days. 

Happy Tuesday.  

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