Saturday, April 06, 2019

Saturday Slight

They should be listed as a major natural resource for Idaho.

Maybe they are, and I just don't know it. 

I'm always amazed at wonderful creations, situations or opportunities which been right under my nose for years and yet I've just discovered them. 

One of these "Aha" moments happened yesterday when I visited the Healing Garden next to our local hospital for the very first time. 

No, I wasn't there, hoping that Bill would hurry up and heal. 

I think he has.  We just have to have his healing noted officially by the Doc.  

That will hopefully happen next Wednesday when he has a 7:30 a.m. appointment with the surgeon followed by a 9 a.m. "report-for-jury-duty" requirement. 

So, I'm guessing Bill is probably healed. 

I actually visited the healing garden, looking for a photo setting, and, while doing so, I hit pay dirt in more ways than one.

Yes, the place offers many great possibilities for my photo, rain or shine.

So, that made me happy, as did just plain enjoying a solitary stroll through the area which I have heard about for many years.

Kinda like the downtown trolley of years past, which I never rode.  Of course, it was always going to be there, like the Statue of Liberty in New York. 

Well, I think the community healing garden will always be there because of the involvement of so many people who gave their creativity, their talent, their labor, their money and probably oodles of other in-kind contribuations. 

What a magical and beautiful place.  Indeed, it's a place  which offers an abundance of lovingly created and whimsical features for folks to enjoy.

And, when Sand Creek down below fills up for the summer and the shrubs come back to life, it should be gorgeous.  

I felt the need and was more than happy to throw a few coins and some paper money into the collection chamber as I left the garden. 

I also feel an enthusiastic need to go back and visit many times.

During my visit, I also thought about all those people who have contributed to this place of beauty, as kind and generous people do for so many items of importance in our community and our state. 

This morning I'm also thinking about another aspect of what ought to be coined one of Idaho's greatest natural resources:  a group of individuals who had a vision, just a vision at the time and now something very tangible which has and will continue to affect the lives of people all across Idaho. 

One of the most tangible outcomes of their vision came yesterday when their collective efforts----hands-on across our state, through our social media and every other means of communication possible, convinced Idaho's governor to veto two bills designed to restrict the ability of citizens to create and pass Initiatives.  

This particular entity of what I think needs to be considered a great natural resource in Idaho is better known as Reclaim Idaho. 

The movement started a couple of years ago as a funky, creative, simple but brilliant idea. 

My oh my, it has grown and, nowadays, this movement, founded by young men from our hometown, has become formidable, inspiring and effective in getting the people's message heard. 

While the rest of us have gone on about our daily lives, a few of the many good people associated with the Reclaim Idaho movement have worked tirelessly, often almost 24-7, to complete their current mission:  Medicaid expansion in Idaho and, in the midst of persevering on that goal, striking down an unfair piece of legislation which would limit the rights of citizens. 

I think of the healing garden with its original vision and how  so many generous and thoughtful people brought the dream to reality.  

Like Reclaim Idaho, I'm sure the healing garden is a work in progress where beauty and a sense of peace will comfort those in emotional distress as well as folks like me who just plain like pretty places. 

As the garden continues to flourish, so will the brilliance and the simplicity associated with Reclaim Idaho, which will continue its work to do what's right for this state's citizens. 

We can look all around us on any given day anywhere in this state to observe similar entities where people see a need, come up with a vision, roll up their sleeves and go to work.

And, in the end, we all benefit from these selfless and dedicated efforts. 

Yes, our people, especially those who provide the leadership and the vision, are definitely one of our most valued and sometimes under-appreciated natural resources. 

Thank you to those who created and continue to nurture the community healing garden. 

And, though they are still working to ensure the purity of the Medicaid expansion Initiative, continued thanks to the visionaries and those who continue to soldier this concept toward its full reality. 


Off in Southeast Asia . . . . 

After about 22 hours of flying, including a stop in South Koreas, Annie connected with her friends in Bangkok, got a few hours of sleep, took a couple of photos, visited the weekend market and then boarded another plane bound for Vietnam where she will stay the next few days.

Sounders scarf has received one more photo on the worldwide selfie tour. 

That's all. 

Happy Saturday. 

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