Friday, May 17, 2019

Just Friday Stuff

Not a great assortment of photos this morning.

In most cases, they include first and somewhat incomplete blossoms of the Memorial Day portion of spring.

I always worry when we have unseasonably warm weather that we won't have any flowers for decorating the graves.

Mother Nature has taken care of that by providing a halt to the hot weather. 

Once again, we had rain overnight, and it's kinda cool and dreary for this official kick-off of Sandpoint's "Lost in the '50s."

We're supposed to get rain all day, but that's not happening right now, and could be that the heavier amounts will be south of us.

It's nice to have a cool down after several days of July-like weather, which was certainly helpful in getting a good start on the garden.

Yesterday I finished planting seeds and starts and did some more transplanting of posies.

My tomatoes and cukes are waiting in the greenhouse until we can be sure of no freezing weather.

I thought we were going to lose our red and purple "jelly" plums this year when they blossomed a while back and temps dipped to below freezing.

Happily, upon examining both trees yesterday, the blossoms withstood the cold.  Lots of little plums to pick later in the summer. 

From the looks of the apple trees and the blueberry bushes and the raspberries, this is looking like an abundant fruit year.

I'm also happy about the cool down after cleaning up a large mass of maggots from the shop working bench this morning.

Festus has to eat canned catfood (Purina Beyond) to make sure his diabetes doesn't return.  Sometimes he doesn't eat everything in the bowl, so I scoop the remainder out and put it in a bag, to be hauled off with the garbage.

To say that catfood stinks on warm days would be an understatement.

This morning I picked up the bag only to find that surely several thousand maggots had hatched and eaten their way through the bag.

No words suggesting ultimate disgust could quite describe my reaction and subsequent efforts to pick up all those maggots, stuff them in a bigger bag and then an even bigger bag.

Not a good way to start the morning, and a good lesson that maggots do not wait very long to multiply. So, get rid of that leftover catfood on hot days before the maggots take over.


Anyway, on a more positive note, Sandpoint Magazine hits the streets today.  Trish tells me the cover this time is something to behold.

My contribution for this issue includes some photos and the regular feature of "Natives and Newcomers." 

As always, this is a fun assignment, and readers should enjoy getting to know the two newbies to our area and seeing a couple of faces familiar to most of us oldies but goodies.

Looking forward to seeing all the great stories in this summer edition. 

I'm told that the magazine, which is free, can be found by the end of the day at most of the usual drops around the Sandpoint-area community. 

So, go check it out!

Happy Friday.  Stay dry.   

The horses taking it easy after filling their bellies. 

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