Thursday, June 20, 2019

TBT: Fun Times; Fun Peeps

That was someone's birthday cake back in 2011 at a "big bash" at Blume Lake, northeast of Sandpoint. 

I think that's Tom Selberg making his final placings in a class at the annual Spots of Fun Open Horse Show, which will be coming up once again next month at the fairground. 

Yup, his name is Bob, and we first met him back in 1984.

 Bob lived in Kansas at that time.

He's lived for several years in Palm Springs with our family friend Mow.

Bob occasionally likes to interrupt when Mow and I are visiting on the phone. 


Pretty much all Thursday Throwbacks today.

Again, most of the choices result from pretty much throwing a dart and seeing where it lands.  

Only the dart is my computer mouse and its scrolling application. 

Many photos come from the 2010-2011 era, while the black-and-white (below) came from a shoe box next to my computer. 

It takes us way back as far as at least the 1960s, maybe even before. 

Howard and Mary Ellen Thomason were our close family friends for several years until they moved to Bonners Ferry.

We still kept in touch but nothing like the days when they had their beautiful Selkirk Hereford Ranch out on Selkirk Road. 

The ranch has gone through several owners since the Thomason's left. Now, it's owned by Chip Lawrence, who also runs cattle on the ranch, just a different breed.

Besides all those huge Herefords, Mary Ellen kept a herd of cats, literally.  I think at one time she had 40, every single one named and several cat dishes out on the deck to keep 'em fed. 

Mary Ellen also named every single cow on their place. Howard and our dad Harold talked a lot of horned Hereford stuff over the years and attended their share of bull sales. 

The Selkirk herd eventually moved to Dillon, Mont.  I was fortunate enough back in the early '70s to tour and photograph highlights of the huge ranch where the cow herd moved.  At the time, Gibbs Rehm worked as ranch manager. 

While Howard and Mary Ellen still lived in the Selle area, my brothers helped Howard in the hay field, and I spent two weeks one summer keeping house and cooking while Mary Ellen recovered from surgery. 

Both Howard and Mary Ellen have been gone a long time, but the Bonners Ferry Museum keeps the Thomason name alive, as Mary Ellen's estate specified a significant donation to the museum. 

The Thomasons were great friends to all our family.  We have many good memories associated with them. 

Other photos today also reflect friendships and, as always, a little family stuff. 


It's been a while since we've seen that cool mustache on our friend George Eskridge. 

Could be the only time the three of us sisters served time in the slammer, even though I came close at age 5.

My friend Mow and daughter Annie in the Southern California desert. 

Former students and dear friends Jim Imholte and Laurie Blackwell.

I believe we were geoacaching in Lower Pack River at the time. 

SHS CNA instructor Kathy Holm and former student/ now principal (finalist as superintendent---UPDATE, named superintendent today.  Congrats!) Tom Albertson. 

Former student and educator/administrator David Miles

One year Randy and Gail Curless hosted the county farm tour, providing a herding demonstration.

That's Chris Irish Elliot on the left.  She helps coordinate the tours each year. 

A family hike near Gold Creek. 

This was the hike where a cougar lurked in the woods and hiked alongside of us for a short ways.

Miss Lily has transported many a rider through her years at the Lovestead.

This is Lily and Annie back in the days when the lupine show was spectacular.  Not so much nowadays.  

Miss Marlo a few years ago.  She'll be up soon to visit with CB. 

Bill on a geocaching adventure up in the Rapid Lightning Creek area. 

A Fourth of July gathering before we had a deck roof and when Foster, Meggie and Jessie were pups.

That was one of two times when Foster was bigger than other dogs.  Didn't last long. 

Just got a text that Debbie is on her way to Boise to connect with these longtime friends, Alicia and Lesley. 

This was taken during a fun time in Seattle. 

I believe this photo of Bill, Annie and me was taken at geocaching headquarters in Fremont. 

Longtime friends and now retired educators Julie and Kim Keaton. 

Lily and Laurie

Who doesn't have fun when they're around award-winning high school counselor  Jeralyn Mire?

 Jeralyn shares a laugh with her classmate John Plaster. 

At a Women of Wisdom luncheon with some of the organizers, including Kendall and Buddy and Buddy's mom Kathy

Son Willie, who wrote a story in my last books, accompanied me and spoke at a book talk in Post Falls a few years ago.

The late Pat Meeker of Bonners Ferry, on the right, invited us and saw to it that my nerves were calmed before speaking. 

Great lady. 

Of course, I ride Lily once in a while.  

She's been a good friend for the past 13 years since she came from Oklahoma to live at the Lovestead. 
That's all.  Have a great Thursday. 

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