Friday, June 28, 2019

Terra's Takes

Terra's back. 

She came yesterday to do some work with her 4-H horse project, Mr. Lefty. 

Unfortunately, Mother Nature did not cooperate much.  Terra was able to groom her horse and had just started some showmanship practice in the barnyard when another round of thunder and lightning started. 

Then, came a drenching downpour, which lasted long enough to form little lakes in the barnyard.

This is Terra's third year of working with Lefty.  She's now 13 and lives down Selle Road from us where the family has a menagerie of pigs, goats, chickens, cats, dogs, etc. 

While the rain fell, we sat on lawn chairs in the barn, talking about books.  Seems Terra's family has started a book club, and she suggested the current book they are reading:  The Eighty-Dollar Champion.

If you haven't read the book, it's a heart tugger and worth the read, especially if you love horses. 

Eventually, the raindrops ceased and the sun started shining.  We experienced another one of those wonderful moments when everything seems clean and bright.

We led Lily and CB up from pasture and then threw the big ball into the barnyard so Terra could see CB with his toy. 

Twasn't the best of times for that cuz those horses, with their bellies full from the morning meal, just kinda want to chill out and nap. 

I had gone to the house to get my camera, and since there wasn't much "crazy" horse action in the barnyard, I handed the camera to Terra and gave her a few pointers on holding it and setting it up for pictures. 

That's when Terra told me enthusiastically that she loves photography but uses her phone.  

So, I sent her on her way with the camera to take pictures of whatever she wanted around the place. 

Terra spent about 20 minutes walking, looking and snapping.  During this time, I decided that her work could be featured on today's blog.

Though today's collection includes a lot of images similar to what you normally see on the blog, keep in mind they were taken by a 13-year-old. 

Terra learns quickly and managed to snap some fun stuff during her walk-around. 

Plus, she made up for what was lost, thanks to the rainstorm.

Hope you enjoy her work. It's fun working with this young lady.  

Happy Friday.  

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