Thursday, July 11, 2019

Horseshoe John, TBT and Other Stuff

Don't do this at home.

Leave it to John Fuller to find ways to multi-task.

Not too many people have mastered telling stories with a mouthful of horseshoe nails.

John has.

Believe me, his enunciation while telling those stories and holding those nails in his lower lip is perfection.

I'm betting that my farrier knows as much or more information about people and horses around this area than any barber or hairdresser.

Of course, that knowledge depends on how many horses he's shoeing.

At my barn, it's usually two hours' worth, so multiply that times hundreds of shoeings a year.

The best part:  John keeps confidence, so that's why I like to refer to him as both my philosopher and my shrink.

In addition to knowing all that stuff about all those clients and their horses, John is probably one of the most well-read folks I know. 

Steady trips to the library after a day of shoeing and lots of time spent in the sun on Mexican beaches in the winter keep him up to date on literature.

The best part:  he loves to share the wisdom he gleans from all those books.

Occasionally but only occasionally, I can one-ups him on a book title.

Usually, it's the farrier enlightening the English teacher on one of the more current "must read's."

Anyway, I saw that it was "love your farrier day" on Facebook yesterday, so when John came to nail four shoes on Lefty, two on Lily with a trim behind and trim CB's four white feet, I figured I'd spread my love of John by taking some pictures and posting on Facebook.

John showed some humility but enjoyed the occasional snapshots.

"There will be a 100 likes on this picture by the end of the day," I told him after punching send on my phone.

Well, last I checked, John had around 160 likes and oodles of comments from many of his other clients. 

All the while John was here, Terra, who met him three years ago chuckled as he told stories and she did some horse holding.

Twas a fun visit, as it always is, and I do appreciate my farrier.

It's a treasure these days to have folks who have stuck with you through thick and thin over the years, providing the same efficient service AND friendship every time. 

I have yet to ask John if he's ever swallowed one of those nails.  

Some Facebook responses to the photo above. . . . 

Kasey Ellwanger He's still at it???? Good for him! He was the best shoer in town when I was growing up.

Sandy Watts:  Marianne would you tell John, Kellie lives in Brisbane, Australia and has twins. She loved him!!

Diane Gartell:  We are so fortunate to have John as a friend and great farrier.

Lenora Norton He has been a blessing for my horses. Thanks John for everything.

Erica A Currey What a friendly, familiar face.

Doug Kimball:  Horseshoe John, a really good guy!

 In other horse news, we're winding down toward the Spots of Fun Horse Show this weekend and the 4-H horse show next weekend. 

So, my TBT's mostly involve images from those two activities.  The photo below was taken last year at Brian Wood's arena at a 4-H meeting leading up to the annual show. 

The kids and their horses were practicing showmanship. 

A showmanship class at the Spots of Fun Show a few years back.

This year's show will be held this weekend at the Bonner County Fairgrounds with English classes on Saturday and Western classes on Sunday.

My sister Barbara is showing at this year's show, while sister Laurie competes in Spokane.

 If all goes well, my mare Lily will be in the Appaloosa Heritage class with our "extended" family member Jade aboard with her Coeur d'Alene Indian regalia, worn for traditional dancing at powwows.

Should be a fun show.

Of course, our mother always loved going to the shows.

She's seen below at a show a few years back with her friend Cis. 

Elaine Pierson from Connell, Wash., and now working with the Appaloosa Horse Club,  has been a regular at past shows but will be participating in a wedding this weekend.

Elaine has won at least two belt buckles honoring our dad's memory. 


A 4-H Memory:  This could NOT be 50 years!!!

Not a horse show here, but some horse lovers, three of which live in Australia.

They came to visit a few years back in July after attending the Calgary Stampede.  And, they brought us a few fun gifts.

Polly, on the right, was just reminiscing today about their visit with us, which included lots of shopping, some riding at Western Pleasure and visiting local attractions.

That's Polly's friend Joyce on the left, and her daughter Danni next to her.

Happy Thursday!!!

1 comment:

giaidap said...

Useful article, thank you for sharing the article!!!

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