Friday, July 12, 2019

Kidz and Horses and Learning

Don't expect to see horse-show perfection in this morning's collection of photos.

Instead, you'll see works in progress with both kids and horses.  

Perfection is scheduled for a week from tomorrow when the Gold n' Grouse 4-H horse members along with members of all the 4-H horse groups in the county will compete in the annual Bonner County Fair 4-H horse show.

Last night, the fairgrounds looked as if a horse show were happening with trucks and trailers filling every available spot near the arena and the horse barns.

Several groups had come for opportunities to listen, learn and practice with their horses.

Some rode in the arena while the Gold n' Grouse members practiced showmanship in the warm-up area. 

Last night's meeting was the first I've attended this year, and I must say that those little lovable kids are growing up fast. 

In past blog postings, I've noted how much I enjoy these kids, some of whom I've known since they were babies. 

A year in the life of young teenagers brings on some dramatic changes, to say the least. 

Terra, Lefty and I spent nearly three hours at the fairgrounds, and during that time, the phenomenal Gold n' Grouse leaders worked wonders with the kids through their instruction and practice sessions.

Other parents and friends and even a Gold n' Grouse alum or two showed up to watch the kids practice a variety of showmanship skills.  

In the older group, handlers even had to trade horses and practice their showmanship skills with horses they'd never touched before. 

It was a great exercise, watching them get acquainted, calm down and follow through on presenting their horses to the judge and work through some specific tests, like pivoting their horses 360 degrees, backing up and setting each horse up for the judge. 

As always, I enjoyed every minute of last night's meeting where respect, courtesy, safety, good judgment, alertness, finesse and even smiling were encouraged by the instructors and practiced by the students. 

Should be fun seeing the kids and their horses all spruced up and looking like a million dollars as they compete at next week's 4-H horse show. 

As always, a shout out to the 4-H leaders who volunteer so much of their time AND make the time spent worth it for the kids. 

Finally, have I ever said that I love these kids. 

They and their leaders represent prime examples of what being involved with a discipline and working with others can do for humanity. 

Happy Friday.  

Enjoy the photos.  

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