Saturday, July 06, 2019

Saturday Slight

So, summer rolls on and, as we all know, seemingly a lot faster after the Independence Day holiday. 

Special Note:  If you want to see how Clark Fork/Hope folks celebrate the holiday, visit Connie's blog:


I picked my first raspberries yesterday, almost a small baggy's worth. 

Seems with all those berries on all those abundant, leafy bushes, I'll be on a pioneer mission for the first few pickings to discover exactly where some of the true gems are hiding.

Seems like with raspberry picking, the closer you get to standing on your head, the better/bigger the berries. 

I learned years ago that big berries of the huck and rasp variety love the shade.

So, I should get more than share of contortionist practice. 

Another post-holiday activity involved tidying up the barn, especially the area where the hay will be stored. 

Have been using the big stall for my tack, so it got moved yesterday to the actual tack room where Sunny stays. 

I'm figuring the items are safer than ever with Sunny there to keep the mice out. 

With ten days of dry weather in the forecast, it's for sure the farmers will be putting in extra hours to get hay in as fast as possible. 

So, I'll be keeping close contact with my hay supplier and with the crew who said they'd put it in the barn for me. 

Hay stacked in the barn and dry signals one of the biggest feelings of relief in the entire year. 

So, happily, thanks to yesterday's project, my barn is ready.

As summer rolls on we'll see more of Mama Deer or, should I say signs that Mama Deer has been visiting overnight. 

So far, she's just snipped off a few potato plant tops and a couple of flowers, but I'm sure she's been keeping a close eye on the prime nocturnal meals around the yard.  

Finally, today is one of those bittersweet kind for the extended family.  

As I write, Emma, Sr. of our double Emma weekend is probably enjoying her last moments with Brooke, Todd and Joe before loading up her luggage and heading to Spokane Airport with Willie and Debbie. 

She came by and visited with us for the last time yesterday, and I was able to snap a "double Emma" photo as well as a fun last portrait of our "German granddaughter."  

We enjoyed playing our grandparently role off and on throughout her year here.

Yesterday I told Emma----like Romain from France and Laura aka Swiss Miss---we love her, and she'll always be a part of our family. 

Emma sez she'll be back but probably not next week, so the good bye trail for her over the past few days has to be poignant. 

Safe travels, Emma.

 Auf Wiedersehen!

Hugs to your parents, whom we had the good fortune to meet. 

Happy Saturday to all. 

Emma of Berlin; Emma from Western Washington

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