Monday, July 29, 2019

Weekend Album

Back to normal and relatively quiet stuff on this Monday morning after an action-packed, fun and exhausting weekend.

The check list:  hay in the barn, thanks to a phenomenal crew of workers, another captivating and colorful powwow, this time featuring one of our beloved extended family favorites, Jade, being crowned as Miss Coeur d'Alene; a fishing trip to scenic Upper Pack, topped off by family dinner at Sweet Lou's. 

In between:  a few hours of sleep and a few berries picked and even a nice skype visit with our beloved Swiss Miss aka Laura from her hotel room in Budapest.

In short, a lovely weekend. 

Back to the routine aspects of the day with gardening, yard work, leading horses back and forth, soaking up the late July sunshine and maybe catching up on sleep.

The summer beat goes on. 

Happy Monday.  

Check out the construction progress at Connie's house in Hope:

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