Friday, August 30, 2019

Hints of Autumn, Horsin' and the Camino

The calendar says it, and so does the outdoors. 

Fall is coming soon. 

I'm working overtime enjoying my lush-looking garden, knowing that soon I'll be yanking out bean and cucumber plants cuz they'll be done with this year's yield. 

That will mean a lot of bare space in the garden with the raspberry jungle, a few flowers and some mater plants, along with the planter boxes left to provide some summer esthetics. 

Pretty soon I'll be putting the bags on the back of the lawnmower because I'll be mowing and cleaning up more fallen, dry leaves than grass. 

And, I've already started plucking the iddy biddy apples from the tree to throw out into the barnyard for horses to gobble during their evening treat. 

Flowers are starting to look pretty ragged but still pretty. 

And, of course, the Last Horse Show of the Season always means a hint of fall.  

Yesterday Terra and I went over to my sisters' place so she could ride in the arena.

While Barbara and Laurie worked their young horses, they kept an eye on Terra and Lefty, sharing pointers for loping and trotting and collecting and planning upcoming changes of gaits. 

She's a sponge, I like to say, when it comes to learning:  takes it all in, quietly and willingly and then rather impressively applies it all. 

Fun to watch a pure and eager learner. 

Yup, fall is upon us.  

August is almost gone, and we'll soon be asking where the summer went, especially when we see those yellow school buses moving up and down country roads next week. 

It's a good time, and it's always time to enjoy every single image while summer color hangs on and this year's autumn leaves start their brilliant show. 

Happy Friday. 

Check out Annie's Camino photos below from today's walk in Spain:  particularly artful scenes this morning. 

Annie's Camino . . . .

On Day 6, Annie's Camino journey rolls on through beautiful spots in Spain.  

With her new Camino family, she has reached the point where only 100 km of walking remains before arriving in Santiago de Compostela and the shrine of St. James, the Apostle. 

Added bonus:  she has already posted on her blog for today. 


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