Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thursday This and That

Yesterday provided some "spice of life":  a pleasant dose of variety and plenty of busy moments. 

My neighbor friend and Lefty's bestie, Terra, has decided to ride in a few classes at Thank Goodness, It's the Last Horse Show of the Season.

The show is coming up Sept. 14, so with a month off from anything besides eating, Lefty is gonna need some conditioning. 

He received it yesterday, not only with round-pen lunging but also with an extensive ride around the place. 

I opened gates to the hay field and the back pasture, so Terra could enjoy a full-fledged Lovestead trail ride on the pathways I made a couple of weeks ago. 

While she rode, I took the 4-wheeler and simply enjoyed a relaxing tour of the place/doubling as a "flush out the deer" mission. 

No deer appeared, but Lefty did spook at something, taking Terra for a quick little slight detour.  

Her riding skills are such these days that it was no big deal, and the pair quickly moved on. 

It was nice to have her back, and I think Lefty is especially happy.  This morning we'll be hauling him over to my sisters' arena so the two can have some practice honing their individual skills and loping. 

Our ground is too hard to be safe for loping, so for caution sake, the indoor arena surface should be ideal.  Plus, Barbara and Laurie can give pointers. 

Yesterday, was also a picture-taking day for a group of folks being featured in a story I'm doing. 

So, I spent some time strolling through the designated site for the group shot, snapping a few miscellaneous pictures, and then moved on to my editor Helen's house to take one more photo for the story. 

Helen's hubby Skip has quite a touch with all aspects of gardening, as you can see by the sunflower, the dahlia and all those colorful nasturtiums. 

Seems everyone agrees that it's been a dandy nasturtium year. 

Actually, overall, it's been a dandy summer, and it's just fine with me if it continues to "carry on."  

Annie's Camino . . . .

She's in her fifth day of walking, and I'm thinking that the last photo shows completing the most challenging part of the 10-day journey to Santiago de Compostela. 

I saw the comment "easy peasy" in reference to what lies ahead after today. 

As usual, her blog should be up in a few hours, so be sure to check it out for the rest of today's story. 

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