Sunday, September 15, 2019

Heap of Horse-Show Moments

Thank Goodness! It's the Last Horse Show of the Season!

Edition, 2019


It was family.

It was the future. 

It was the past. 

It was, at times for some, frustrating.

It was old friendships rekindled.

It was new friendships hatched.

It was work, along with enough sitting around.  

It was thousands of Fitbit steps.

It was both breath-taking and breath-holding.

It was winning and losing and going back for more.

It was definitely a dog and pony show. When are they not? 

It was well-organized by dedicated volunteers.

Its classes were larger than usual. 

It was inspiring, especially for me, meeting Susan, a tough lady with MS driving her wheelchair over hard ground to watch her beloved daughter Rachel compete. 

It was great fun in so many ways.

It was just what the doctor ordered:  a lot of smiles! 

"A Norman Rockwell Horse-Show Day," for sure!  

Best of all, it was one big horse-show family, made up of multiple generations of longtime, horse-show families. 

And, yes, it was Gabe, probably the youngest cowboy and definitely a hint of the future. 

May the concept called "Thank Goodness It's the Last Horse Show of the Season" last forever. 

Cuz it's a good time with lots of good peeps and pretty horses. 

Great job, organizers!

Ride 'em Cowboy Gabe!

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