Friday, November 15, 2019

Working Off a Maple Bar

We had stuffed baked potatoes at the first Gonzaga feast I attended this season. 

That was the main item at my sisters' house a couple of weeks ago. 

Yum! Yum!

Those spuds offered nice and fattening new addition to our ZAGmenus, which have included pizza, sandwiches, spaghetti, pulled pork, etc. 

Today, in an attempt to maintain some variety in our ZAGmenus, I have a big pot of chili prepared at The Gathering Place aka Bread Basket Bakery, as us oldsters know it.

Speaking of oldsters, I just learned a wise warning this morning from a youngster aka former student who thinks of herself as an oldster when talking about "young" people.

DO NOT say to young people that you're "gonna go to Netflix and chill."

She apparently said something similar to that in front of some youngsters who suggested she may not want to say that and then sent her to a link to see why. 

You elder Netflixers can google it and want to avoid embarrassing yourselves. 

Okay, back to ZAGmenus. 

Along with Gathering Place chili, which is available at the restaurant north of Bonners Ferry on Thursday's, we'll have cinnamon rolls tonight.

Oops, I'm dating myself again.  I'll bet youngsters don't even see the connection of chili and cinnamon rolls.  Do they still serve that combo at schools on Thursday's these days?

Well, it's not Thursday, but our group will all be old enough to remember the good ol' days when you wanted to take hot lunch:  chili and cinnamon roll day. 

We'll be okay switching it to Friday.  God will understand because, of course, God is a Gonzaga fan, and He wants all Gonzaga fans happy.

Yes, the ZAGS play Texas A and M tonight in Texas.  So, in North Idaho, we'll cheer them on while eating chili and cinnamon rolls. 

I had to drive to Bonners Ferry to get my chili and rolls yesterday, so I added a short hike at the National Wildlife Refuge to my agenda.

After all, while collecting the chili, the cinnamon rolls and some sandwiches for Bill and my dinner, I purchased AND ate a maple bar. 


So, the hike on two different trails in the bird refuge was a necessity.  Work off all those calories. 

It was kinda gloomy around Bonners Ferry yesterday, but in my travels, I still found some beauty and some funky scenes.

Hope you enjoy. 

Happy Friday.  GO, ZAGS!  Bring on the chili!

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