Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Just Wednesday Stuff

Meet Annie.

She's one of my favorites, even if she isn't black and white.

Annie lives on the same premises as Wood's Hay and Grain.

So, she comes to work pretty much every day that Dana's working at the desk.

Annie does her job:  she's a sweet, quiet greeter to the customers, and she keeps an eye out on what's happening around the business yard. 

I spent some extra time visiting with her while Dana went to get some extra bags of shavings yesterday.  

Since the fork lift didn't want to climb a little hill while coming from the big barn, it took some time to get all my shavings. 

Just as Annie and I were getting into a really great visit, I looked up to see Dana and another employee, carrying two bags of shavings apiece toward my pickup. 

So, Annie and I said good bye, and I went on my way. 

Just had to feature her today because she is a sweetie. 

I also spent some time later in a dismal afternoon checking out the Filipowski barn up the road for new baby calves.  

They do have one, which was born last week, but immediately appearing camera shy, it ran off to Mom.

Colleen assures me that she'll send me a message when the next Hereford babies are born.

She knows how much I enjoy seeing those little ones soon after their births.

We can almost smell the end of January, but it seems that the month is gonna make us earn every ounce of joy we have when turning over the calendar to February. 

I visited my sisters yesterday over at the Colburn farm.

  They're sick of plowing, blowing and shoveling, especially after feeling they had finally made some progress, only to have yesterday's snow dump create a brand new mess.  

Barbara and Laurie are not alone.  Many of us farm types figure we've paid enough dues for one year, but then, we don't call the shots. 

Today my mind will get to escape somewhat from thinking about the January countdown.  

A young visitor is coming to spend the day.  So, we have a plan to do some horse stuff and some social stuff in town with Debbie. 

Should be a fun day, and now we can happily proclaim only two more days left in this long month after today.

On a positive note, Willie has hit the two-game countdown for this regular season of girls basketball. 

A win last night in Lakeland upped their record to 12-6. 

This next two weeks, the Bulldogs play their other league rival Moscow twice, both here and in Moscow, and then the season will end, except for the one major goal they set every year:  going to State, and, of course, doing well. 

Fingers crossed.  So far, very good. 

Congratulations, Bulldogs! 

Hey, I hear chickadees singing outside.  A welcome start for the day.

Happy Wednesday.  

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